Message from @MoonCore

Discord ID: 545173238758637578

2019-02-13 09:11:10 UTC  

A once great empire

2019-02-13 09:11:13 UTC  

Now in Ruins

2019-02-13 09:11:41 UTC  

And its happening again

2019-02-13 09:12:03 UTC  

Now its most of the Western World

2019-02-13 09:13:00 UTC  

As Aristotle once said

2019-02-13 09:13:24 UTC  

Tolerance and Inclusion are the Last Virtues of a Dying society

2019-02-13 09:14:24 UTC  

Many had predicted such event

2019-02-13 09:14:30 UTC  

No one listened

2019-02-13 09:14:54 UTC  

They laugh at them

2019-02-13 09:14:58 UTC  

Scorned them

2019-02-13 09:15:34 UTC  

But they however

2019-02-13 09:15:40 UTC  

Will have the last laugh

2019-02-13 09:17:14 UTC  

As the same time the Neo-Rome falls

2019-02-13 09:17:27 UTC  

The New Eastern Civilization shall triumph

2019-02-13 09:18:50 UTC  

***The Western Civilization shall be Purged***

2019-02-13 09:18:57 UTC  

And enter a Dark Age

2019-02-13 09:20:42 UTC  


2019-02-13 09:21:31 UTC  

A wave of Invaders shall Take it down

2019-02-13 09:22:00 UTC  

The Sake way as the Old rome falls

2019-02-13 09:23:11 UTC  

But there shall be relics of that event

2019-02-13 09:23:48 UTC  

Who caused it.

2019-02-13 09:23:54 UTC  

Not the Invaders

2019-02-13 09:24:15 UTC  

But the ones who had lived there

2019-02-13 09:24:34 UTC  

Countless days and months and years

2019-02-13 09:25:24 UTC  

Most the Population had lost their Respect for History

2019-02-13 09:25:40 UTC  

And tried to Rewrite it to fit it to their Narative

2019-02-13 09:26:45 UTC  

Hi faggots

2019-02-13 09:27:08 UTC  

The Bright Minds that are supposed to be Saving the "Civilized West"

2019-02-13 09:27:26 UTC  

Have been Attacked

2019-02-13 09:27:40 UTC  

Moon do you not go to school

2019-02-13 09:27:45 UTC  

Whenever Iā€™m at work

2019-02-13 09:27:49 UTC  

Ur here writing essays

2019-02-13 09:27:54 UTC  


2019-02-13 09:28:00 UTC  


2019-02-13 09:28:12 UTC  

All I hear is

2019-02-13 09:28:16 UTC  

Teach me ur wisdom

2019-02-13 09:28:19 UTC  

"Death to America"

2019-02-13 09:28:22 UTC  

Retards at work will drive me crazy

2019-02-13 09:28:33 UTC  

Become a Outcast for once

2019-02-13 09:28:37 UTC  

Give me a quote of the day

2019-02-13 09:29:53 UTC  

What happened with the headphones