Message from @Kaiser Dion Napoleon

Discord ID: 548882936665997315

2019-02-23 15:00:49 UTC  

@Whats gay anymore if it work for you, do it

2019-02-23 15:01:02 UTC  

i'm going to work remotely as my long term job

2019-02-23 15:01:08 UTC  

so wont need to be a doorma

2019-02-23 15:01:11 UTC  

I had a setup like that where I was going to school and working, but my mom's husband attacked me one night and I had to get out of there

2019-02-23 15:01:26 UTC  

that fucking sucks

2019-02-23 15:01:45 UTC  


2019-02-23 15:01:46 UTC  

Yeah now I rely on trucking and dont do any school

2019-02-23 15:01:53 UTC  


2019-02-23 15:01:57 UTC  

And have no other skills

2019-02-23 15:02:08 UTC  

at least trucking is good money

2019-02-23 15:02:13 UTC  

few years you can do what you want

2019-02-23 15:02:16 UTC  

Unless someone wants me to use a rifle and do some gruntwork

2019-02-23 15:02:32 UTC  

@Kaiser Dion Napoleon Skills can be acquired

2019-02-23 15:02:54 UTC  

I dont have the time to learn anything

2019-02-23 15:03:11 UTC  

chuck on a few podcasts while youre on the road maybe learn whatever podcasts teach you

2019-02-23 15:03:33 UTC  

Have to make money and any free time is gonna be spent finding the next way to do that within the next week

2019-02-23 15:03:52 UTC  

@Kaiser Dion Napoleon What on earth are you doing here then? You are learning all the time

2019-02-23 15:03:56 UTC  

Either that or writing

2019-02-23 15:04:14 UTC  

Are you not with a trucking company that tells you where to go?

2019-02-23 15:04:25 UTC  

you like a freelance trucker or something 🤔

2019-02-23 15:04:49 UTC  

I mean, I'm pretty damn wise and headstrong, but I'm saying I dont have many skills making something

2019-02-23 15:05:35 UTC  

@Kaiser Dion Napoleon So get them then, it is all up to you

2019-02-23 15:05:41 UTC  

how much could i charge a small company if i make them a dashboard?

2019-02-23 15:05:44 UTC  


2019-02-23 15:05:44 UTC  

I am working for a guy but he gave me this truck that has all kinds of problems lol

2019-02-23 15:05:49 UTC  

So I haven't made shit

2019-02-23 15:06:02 UTC  

fuck that noise

2019-02-23 15:06:20 UTC  

should come be an electricians apprentice with me

2019-02-23 15:06:21 UTC  

thats the dream

2019-02-23 15:06:28 UTC  

@Kaiser Dion Napoleon Most people haven't. So what?

2019-02-23 15:06:55 UTC  

@Baron Doom well thats the thing. I must be better then most people

2019-02-23 15:07:04 UTC  

Or else I might as well drop dead

2019-02-23 15:07:13 UTC  

Thats how I feel about it

2019-02-23 15:07:51 UTC  

i used to be so paranoid about not having this large savings account that id eat $2 meals all the time

2019-02-23 15:08:01 UTC  

@Kaiser Dion Napoleon No, you just have to be you and do what you want. It is not a competition

2019-02-23 15:08:07 UTC  

@Whats gay anymore I still do LOL

2019-02-23 15:08:29 UTC  

lol i wouldnt recommend it but hey, it works

2019-02-23 15:08:36 UTC  

It's not a competition it's not that I'm trying to compete

2019-02-23 15:08:55 UTC  

But I feel like as a black guy, I'm at the bottom no matter what

2019-02-23 15:09:04 UTC  

So to compensate, I have to be better

2019-02-23 15:09:35 UTC  

yep, those diversity hires are going to the black women not the black men