Message from @shadow007

Discord ID: 550483292248342536

2019-02-28 00:31:47 UTC  

they always were

2019-02-28 00:32:32 UTC  

His claim is that they are now more so. I am starting to say the same. Things were different back in my twenties, far before social media.

2019-02-28 00:34:21 UTC  

its because of leverage

2019-02-28 00:34:50 UTC  

In fact, I have a theory that social media caused the great divide we're seeing now. I believe that if social media hadn't come around until 2030, there would still be more married couples before that date. Social media spread a lot of ideologies, as well as feminism, to it's current point in society; which arguably changed the culture at large.

2019-02-28 00:38:02 UTC  

male sex drive/male competition + female choice

2019-02-28 00:38:11 UTC  

MySpace never caused the crap that we see today, for instance. It wasn't until FB, Twitter, IG, exc that more of this rhetoric started to spread through culture. And I've a rather well-known friend, at least in the occult world; who has been studying ritual abuse. While doing that, he discovered several UK patents that went into creating Facebook. Yes, they were legitimate patents. Yes, I read what their purpose was, which left me shocked. But I'm still using the service. Damn me. 😅

2019-02-28 00:39:23 UTC  

no consequence for shitty female behavior but all male behavior(the negtative aspects) hold high consequences

2019-02-28 00:39:32 UTC  

In short, several of the patented programs used in the service are intended to cause changes in consciousness, as well as hypnosis and addiction. And that's just the start!

2019-02-28 00:40:55 UTC  

@SFM_2046 and again, that's the cultural change. America in the nineties was a far different place. Now men are being held accountable, masculinity is a thing to be feared. It's unreal.

2019-02-28 00:41:53 UTC's real.....just understand and keep moving

2019-02-28 00:42:38 UTC  

Well, I mean in the context of logic. It doesn't make logical sense.

2019-02-28 00:44:19 UTC  

We also have a worth noting prescription medicine epidemic here in the US. Very poor treatment, we may as well say piss-poor treatment of mental health in the US.

2019-02-28 00:45:06 UTC  

How can we trust a nation of people who are mostly medicated, when only a small percentage really need to be?

2019-02-28 00:46:00 UTC  

people are just people.....Welp

2019-02-28 00:48:48 UTC  

Is it the radical feminist talking, or the Lexapro? The Depacote? The Zyprexa? It's not simply the "people are people" problem. It's the "Healthcare is a multi-billion dollar business here in America and we make money when we can prescribe as many pills as possible" problem. Doesn't matter if the patient needs it. I walked into a clinic and was prescribed eight different kinds of pills. I refused them all. I don't want to be another medicated zombie in this country.

2019-02-28 00:54:25 UTC  

I know, this is a new angle. Not a lot of people want to talk about it. We keep thinking it might be a ideological issue. But it very well could be a mental health issue. People generally are less happy and more lonely (READ: Doesn't mean they are not in a relationship) now, than at any time in human history. There are studies to back that up. Depression and suicide are at all time highs. There's more going on here than we think, and I personally feel that it begins on a mental level. That's all I have to say, now I've got to put my doll's new dress on her. 👗

2019-02-28 00:56:49 UTC  

I'll just smoke a joint while everybody kill themselves.

2019-02-28 00:56:55 UTC  

Just like Calhoun predicted.

2019-02-28 01:02:26 UTC  

Anyone heard about melee not being at evo

2019-02-28 01:03:56 UTC  

what are you talking about?

2019-02-28 01:04:04 UTC  

Goodnight all have to get up at am so gonna sleep for a couple of hours. see you all tommorow

2019-02-28 01:05:07 UTC  

Smash bros @Xychotic

2019-02-28 01:08:28 UTC  

So many men are friendzoned in their marriage its hilarious

2019-02-28 01:08:44 UTC  


2019-02-28 01:09:11 UTC  

What idiots

2019-02-28 01:09:24 UTC  

What absolute idiotic blue pilled men

2019-02-28 01:09:34 UTC  

I feel no pity for them

2019-02-28 01:09:39 UTC  

welp.....rise above and don't get drowned in the flow

2019-02-28 01:10:03 UTC  

I suggest leg workouts

2019-02-28 01:10:38 UTC  

They think providing for a wife that doesn't fuck them is an achievement 😂

2019-02-28 01:11:31 UTC  


2019-02-28 01:11:42 UTC  

Whos the real winner

2019-02-28 01:11:55 UTC  

You know what's worse than being alone.. Feeling alone when people are around you

2019-02-28 01:13:12 UTC  

Moco frito

2019-02-28 01:20:51 UTC  

Big Tyrone when the internet does the inevitable mgtow purge how do you feel about your beanie being thanks snapped into inexsistence

2019-02-28 01:21:02 UTC  

*thanos snapped

2019-02-28 01:23:11 UTC  

@BigTyrone Being around bluepillers increases my anxiety...I don't feel that way when I'm home "alone" reading my comics

2019-02-28 01:26:17 UTC  

@VenomousHawk86 MGTOW will take on a new label when it gets purged.

2019-02-28 01:26:27 UTC  

I like "Men Going M"

2019-02-28 01:27:26 UTC  

No mgtow philosophy will continue to exist, only now we will be barred from having easy connections from each other

2019-02-28 01:41:16 UTC  

There will always be another way.