Discord ID: 467317351755415564
far as I see, democrats are the true nazis.
more national fascists then national socialists
suppress the ones they don't like, and commit violence, and sabotage our republic.
muh nazis! just because they use violence does not make them the same at all
i mean for fucks sake, they're pushing fucking Pedosexuality.
i didn't list everything they did Reed.
there childern of the lie the left has biten on everything the jew wants to sell them
i'm trying to decipher what you just said
i think you've evolved past me
lol its ok i'm more extreme and redpilled then most having alot of time on my hands has it + and _'s
it's not you i'm just very fucking drunk/hungover
i cure my hangovers with drinking i think i have an issue yay
we all have are issues
actually i don't even drink all that often
like once a week
the drink is a hard one to beat.... but hey just reduce your amount for a couple of month
i mean yeah i only drink once a week but once i drink i don't stop until i'm near crippled for the next day or so
nothing wrong with enjoy your self seem like your fine
jack daniels
and witch brands quit drinking rot gut whiskey
be a man of taste ..... jim bean = master race
fight me
also go to vodka cheaper.. tastes better... no hangover... less calories
daniels is life because it makes me feel like the trash that i am
A.your not trash B. jack D is reddit
opinions are just like assholes, everybody has them, and some people are them
and you are all of the above for trashing JD
good day sir
*cough* Planned Parenthood *cough*
lol planned parenthood is /ourguys/
they do a remarkable job of suppresing the black population. one might almost say that their founder had that very outcome in mind, but now i'm just talking crazy