Message from @FastJack

Discord ID: 514516237435535380

2018-11-20 12:45:00 UTC  

damn good shit starts at the end of the sample

2018-11-20 12:46:47 UTC  

*"An ancient parable speaks of a divine stream that poured forth from the earth itself. It bubbled up along the road of life and many, tired and footsore, gathered to refresh themselves there.

Over time, altars and walls were erected to protect the source of the stream, and a special caste of men named themselves the streams guardians; under their guidance, only a precious few could access the water. Wars were fought over when and how people could drink. Eventually, so many were turned away that the stream was forgotten, but when all the chanting and ceremonies cease, there are still those convinced they can hear, somewhere deep within the edifice, the sound of water coursing over rock.

Based on actual events, N. M. Freeman's the story of Q. is about four people divided by time and space, who still hear the water fl owing in the depths of their hearts. Meet Mateo, Farah, Rose, and Roger: strangers unknowingly tied together by a mysterious document known as Q. This ancient document tears apart their preconceived notions about God, religion, and themselves.*

***The Q document threatens existing notions about the meaning of life. There are those who would keep its contents hidden in an effort to hinder the destruction of the modern church. There are also those who would share the document with all mankind in order to return human spiritual awareness to its purest form, like the forgotten stream of the parable.**

**Without doubt, the Q document could tear humanity apart-but it could also lift the human race to a new level of divine consciousness."***

2018-11-20 13:20:19 UTC  


2018-11-20 14:06:21 UTC

2018-11-20 14:06:37 UTC  

pls god let there be even more habbeninz

2018-11-20 17:48:44 UTC

2018-11-20 17:49:37 UTC  

casa de oracion

Looks fucked per usual

Every websote connected is dead

2018-11-20 18:20:57 UTC  

That's crazy

2018-11-20 18:36:14 UTC  

'Peas & Carrots'

2018-11-20 18:36:18 UTC  

P's and Q's

2018-11-20 19:01:29 UTC

2018-11-20 19:03:50 UTC  

@7alon that book is about the Q gospel

2018-11-20 19:04:12 UTC  

look it up its a wierd thing in Christianity no one talks about

2018-11-20 19:11:45 UTC  


2018-11-20 20:07:20 UTC  

Someone scream 'Penis' in voice chat for me. Then nobody would miss me.

2018-11-20 20:15:27 UTC  


2018-11-20 20:17:03 UTC  
2018-11-20 20:34:11 UTC  

thats the predicessor of the jimmy carter

2018-11-20 20:36:05 UTC

2018-11-20 20:36:23 UTC  


2018-11-20 20:36:40 UTC  

wha twas the red and while quartered?

I believe that is callled a bordeux quarter

2018-11-20 20:40:00 UTC  

cant find it

2018-11-20 20:40:02 UTC  


Its not bordeux my mistake

2018-11-20 20:40:21 UTC  

im only curious because of the dumb sub shit im sidetracked on

2018-11-20 20:40:31 UTC  

this is the most decorated ship in the fleet

2018-11-20 20:40:44 UTC  

and its the precoursor to the CIA sub the jimmy carter

2018-11-20 20:40:50 UTC  

and ive never heard of it