Message from @Unknowncrash

Discord ID: 537545316803543050

2019-01-23 01:03:52 UTC

By that bit

2019-01-23 01:03:57 UTC

less space

2019-01-23 01:04:03 UTC

and she can sit in my lap

2019-01-23 01:04:07 UTC


2019-01-23 01:05:14 UTC


2019-01-23 01:05:41 UTC

I only like the WM from what I've seen

2019-01-23 01:05:48 UTC

Compare it to the face of francesca

2019-01-23 01:06:01 UTC

You'll see what I mean on the facial muscle

2019-01-23 01:06:16 UTC

I know Francesca is objectively good but she just doesn't do it for me

2019-01-23 01:06:35 UTC

I'm talking about the facial features dude

2019-01-23 01:06:43 UTC

Either way

2019-01-23 01:06:44 UTC

Yeah I know just commenting on the doll

2019-01-23 01:07:11 UTC

I'll do a side by side when I get home

2019-01-23 01:07:43 UTC


2019-01-23 01:09:41 UTC

Wm eyes just don't cut it for me

2019-01-23 01:10:00 UTC

It's a bit lacking

2019-01-23 01:11:43 UTC

Yea wm is my top maker

2019-01-23 01:11:57 UTC

They reallly nail the faces for me

2019-01-23 01:18:09 UTC

@Unknowncrash do you have a doll?

2019-01-23 02:51:33 UTC

I have a wm doll and the eyes are amazing. It is a great overall product. The biggest flaws are the hands and feet

2019-01-23 08:13:10 UTC

No doll bro

2019-01-23 08:14:15 UTC

thats apparently a universal problem with the dolls

2019-01-23 08:14:23 UTC

the hands and feet arent great

2019-01-23 08:14:38 UTC

So I've heard

2019-01-23 09:35:43 UTC

Any dolls that look like this?

2019-01-23 09:37:07 UTC

2019-01-23 09:45:46 UTC

You know what I'm willing to bet yes

2019-01-23 09:45:50 UTC

Let's go have a look

2019-01-23 09:47:49 UTC

2019-01-23 09:47:53 UTC


2019-01-23 18:43:03 UTC

YL-150cm doll with Lori head

2019-01-23 19:05:56 UTC

Jesus Christ! Those breasts could crush a small village.

2019-01-23 19:06:59 UTC


2019-01-24 00:17:38 UTC


2019-01-24 18:08:51 UTC

A doll like that must weigh a ton. I know it can't stand, even with standing feet. That's not something I'd be interested in. But I'm not you. More power to you, brother.

2019-01-24 21:26:27 UTC

Jeez, Phil's everywhere now.

2019-01-24 21:27:04 UTC

**the doll empire expands**

2019-01-24 21:27:17 UTC


2019-01-24 21:27:28 UTC

*Laughs in mustache*

2019-01-24 21:29:34 UTC

ive updated the rules for the doll house btw everyone. if you have a pic of a pornstar or anime girl that you would like help finding a doll body match for that will be allowed without punishment.

2019-01-24 21:30:02 UTC

kinda seems dumb to have phill here finding dolls for people and not allow the people to help him identify a doll for them