Message from @Prinz Eugen

Discord ID: 533107330665938983

2019-01-11 01:44:55 UTC  

i'm just debating on getting tales of vesperia tomorrow

2019-01-11 01:44:59 UTC  

i never played the original

2019-01-11 01:45:06 UTC  

but i really enjoyed symphonia and abyss

2019-01-11 01:49:33 UTC  

@GingerSnaps confront her or just go there live and say you wanted to see your mother, he cant say anything against that, give her a big hug and say everything will be fine, women are emotional beings after all (this is if you give a fuck) or just realise the situation and overcome it by telling her to gtfo and never comunicate again cause she aint gonna change for a fact (if you dont give a single fuck)

2019-01-11 01:50:04 UTC  

We were just talking about that game in this smash bros server i joined today. lol

2019-01-11 01:51:07 UTC  

sorry i had to reply cause ive lived most of life with mother cause father was away working all the time kinda felt related to what you wrote xD

2019-01-11 01:53:02 UTC  

@EmotionalDrift thanks for the tips. Yeah i'm on the fence to be honest between caring and not caring. I was just starting to make peace with not having a mother again and then she pulls this shit out of her ass. I'm probably fretting over nothing cause he knows someone is going to have to take care of her when he goes and he'll definitely be going before her, he's something huge like 16 years older than her and she's now 58.

2019-01-11 01:55:13 UTC  

Like my big thing is why can't she just fucking call me and have a conversation with me? Yeah i can give her a hug and soothe her fee fees, but other than that it looks like we're just going to be sitting there staring at each other. And then there's all the bullshit she put me through. But that goes back to the she's never going to change and take responsibility for her actions like you mentioned.

2019-01-11 01:56:37 UTC  

if you started to make a peace with it, its one step to realisation with reality, everything other than that will be just plain drama and delaying the inevitable and deep inside you know it

2019-01-11 01:57:24 UTC  

but the guilt cause shes your mother can make you do all the stupid things like that yeah..

2019-01-11 01:59:30 UTC  

Yeah she's the only mother i'll ever have. It bothers me that we don't have a relationship. But again i've tried making peace without her in my life and especially with/from that need for a mothers love that i pretty much never got. It's baffling but i appreciate everyones time and effort in helping me out.

2019-01-11 02:02:56 UTC  

mine is 59, i just visit her from time to time, we eat together (make her cook something) if she knows you are coming), talk a while and walk off saying i am a busy man and ill be seeing her the next time i have to spare,, thats it..

2019-01-11 02:03:49 UTC  

or if you never had a relationship its very late for one (wasting of time really) but thats up to you

2019-01-11 02:05:25 UTC  

its difficult thing to do, but with your situation it shouldnt be as hard as to someone else

2019-01-11 02:06:56 UTC  

That's an interesting point you make about time frames and it being late in the game to try. I don't know maybe i owe it to myself to find out the hard way. Maybe she's coming to terms with how fucked up she's been to me in the past. I doubt it cause i know my mother at least sort of but also that she's a woman. And women are allergic to owning up to their own shit. It wouldn't be hard for me to tell her to fuck off, but i owe it to myself to try to discuss my points and concerns with her at least. I can't just cut people out willy nilly like that. I'm too much of a nice guy i guess for that.

2019-01-11 02:11:47 UTC  

I'm so sick of seeing people worship egalitarianism everywhere, even the internet. Just watched a video about how a woman cheating in a relationship is objectively worse than when a man cheats, because a woman cheats to emotionally replace her man and will eventually leave him, whereas the man only cheats for sexual access. And then you just see all these comments about how it's equally wrong for both parties. Like bitch no, men and women are different, and biologically prioritize different things. So when you incentivize women to leave their husbands/boyfriends by guaranteeing them resources and creating programs explicitly to benefit them, they're going to take you up on the offer. I'm so sick of the egalitarian brainwashing. Even saying that "men and women are different" in public is literally considered heresy.

2019-01-11 02:12:33 UTC  

I'm astonished that people still buy into the matrix. I've yet to make peace with the stupidity of the plugged-in populace now that I've seen the matrix for what it is.

2019-01-11 02:12:59 UTC  

@GingerSnaps if you are too nice she will try to control you, its your decision to make, if you feel that way it will just bug you until you try it, yeah people tend to do that when theyre old and think theyre gonna die or something, then i wish you luck if you so decide, feel free to pm me to discuss further, I am off to bed gn..

2019-01-11 02:17:04 UTC  

@Prinz Eugen if you said that paragraph on the busy public place you would get punched by the cucks till you die xD

2019-01-11 02:17:26 UTC  

Respect dah wahmenz bruh

2019-01-11 02:18:12 UTC  

they'd be punching me while at home their girls had chad's dick in their mouth lmao

2019-01-11 02:18:14 UTC  

fucking cucks

2019-01-11 02:18:59 UTC  

As infuriating as it is, save who you can.

2019-01-11 02:19:10 UTC  

true, and then that night they will be getting the 'not tonight honey' treatment

2019-01-11 02:21:41 UTC  

yup. I've read just about every comment in the video because it's cool to see so many guys saying to go your own way and understand that women ain't shit. But it's even better to read the stories they share about what made them go MGTOW. One of the guys commented that this chick was sucking his dick, and then her husband called and she would talk to him and then keep sucking the guys dick when the husband was talking. Don't believe everything you hear on the internet obviously, but I've heard crazier shit, and I can totally see that happening.

2019-01-11 02:23:07 UTC  

its like that popular porn scene with exact details you said lmao

2019-01-11 02:23:34 UTC  

how do you think a porn producer would hear about it

2019-01-11 02:23:40 UTC  

they aren't exactly the most creative people

2019-01-11 02:23:57 UTC  

that was an inside true story hahaha

2019-01-11 02:24:22 UTC  

these hoes ain't loyal fam. I don't leave anything off the table

2019-01-11 02:24:40 UTC  

not my problem because I'm not trying to get with any of them, but it's nice to stay in the loop

2019-01-11 02:25:17 UTC  

i know everything man, i make my interactions with them on minimum, yeah its good to take your daily dose of red pills agreed 😉

2019-01-11 02:35:46 UTC  

It's difficult to fight the biological urge to jizz in them. Some guys cannot make the jump and prefer to live in their fantasy land. Even with seeing and knowing the truth you paint a target on your back. If you do not blend in, they will come for you.

2019-01-11 02:44:08 UTC  

@Null I second this.

2019-01-11 02:46:01 UTC  

As much as I detest what mordern day feminism and uncle Sam has done to them, I'd be a damn lier if I didn't want to pound a pretty bitch in yoga pants.

2019-01-11 02:46:52 UTC  

That's kind of why I'm hoping that sexbot become a reality in my life-time.

So that I can do that without having to deal with all the shit that comes after.

2019-01-11 02:48:27 UTC  

@Psychedelic Corpse Fucker I second this, fit birds can get it.

2019-01-11 02:49:34 UTC  

Also a bang maid is what I really need, c'Mon sexbots become a thing like the iPhone

2019-01-11 02:50:57 UTC  

Define your definition of a bang maid, so I can better understand.

2019-01-11 02:52:00 UTC  

Hey is this just an Australian thing or do countries all over the world like to put chicken salt on their hot chips

2019-01-11 03:00:42 UTC  

@Prinz Eugen haven't you seen around here a while, whatcha been upto?