Message from @Sigma

Discord ID: 533424052019396620

2019-01-11 23:13:47 UTC  

@Unknowncrash yes I hope your right

2019-01-11 23:13:49 UTC  

another way to get me to work

2019-01-11 23:13:58 UTC  

what you have heard can sometimes reveal the patterns that create the question for the truth to reveal itself. why am i hearing or seeing this constantly? why do i need to know this? who is behind it and wat do they want from me?

2019-01-11 23:14:02 UTC  

Look at how that shit gets us men into

2019-01-11 23:14:26 UTC  

@Unknowncrash there power definetly is not absolute, but they have tons of control at the moment

2019-01-11 23:14:27 UTC  

everything is simply about control.

2019-01-11 23:14:47 UTC  

I'm not denying upper class have huge influence on society

2019-01-11 23:14:57 UTC  

@GingerSnaps yeah the long and short of it would be : illuminati = easy to destroy complot theory that acts as a scapegoat for hiding the global phenomenon

2019-01-11 23:15:24 UTC  

Lobbists, central banking, corporate leaders, media CEOs

2019-01-11 23:15:34 UTC  

Just saying that once you climb high enough, (due to your control over the scene) you'll have the flaws popping up

2019-01-11 23:15:36 UTC  

I am waiting for the google maps anomalies that arent congruent with real life mapping. maybe the answers will lie there.

2019-01-11 23:15:47 UTC  

And they get worse the longer you maintain in power

2019-01-11 23:15:50 UTC  

is area 51 actually the base for the true controllers of the world?

2019-01-11 23:15:54 UTC  

@Gaarak yeah the true illuminati don't exist anymore. THe real powers that be are the freemasonic temples and that bildenberg group conference members.

2019-01-11 23:15:54 UTC  

who knows.

2019-01-11 23:15:59 UTC  

Because your goal don't change when controlling

2019-01-11 23:16:08 UTC  
2019-01-11 23:16:11 UTC  

But the instruments do

2019-01-11 23:16:25 UTC  

Instruments are people in this case

2019-01-11 23:16:29 UTC  

The people behind the curtain, those who operate in the shadows

2019-01-11 23:16:44 UTC  

shadow people influence a ton

2019-01-11 23:16:46 UTC  

@GingerSnaps It ain't that simple either, the father from my ex was a freemason, a real one, and it was nothing like that, just a group of smart people that like to gather for intellectual meetings ... but no governance whatsoever

2019-01-11 23:16:57 UTC  

whoever is controlling things have a very deep understanding of human psychology and biology, as well as the reactionary natures of people to certain forces.

2019-01-11 23:17:03 UTC  


2019-01-11 23:17:16 UTC  

All I know is you don't get all the governments pushing hormones and mutilating surgery on kids at the same time without some dirty backroom callusion.

2019-01-11 23:17:40 UTC  

There's probably psychological knowledge in some database that nobody knows about

2019-01-11 23:17:44 UTC  

just hasn't been release

2019-01-11 23:17:54 UTC  

@Gaarak this is only rumor, i have no citations but the really dark and scary shit isn't known to the common member it's only for those in the deepest levels/layers of their order. the ones at the top of the food chain.

2019-01-11 23:18:12 UTC  

From secret psychological experiments that we don't hear about

2019-01-11 23:18:17 UTC  

if those are real

2019-01-11 23:18:33 UTC  

But think of all the toture techniques used to get information from people

2019-01-11 23:18:34 UTC  

@GingerSnaps yeah I've been into that rabbit hole, and I got really confused comming out of it when meeting said dad of my ex, because what would actually be his use then ?

2019-01-11 23:18:49 UTC  

like waterboarding, there could be something in that sort of dark shit

2019-01-11 23:19:12 UTC  

@Gaarak a healthy, normal and positive front for the order. Keep those outside and and at the bottom rungs ignorant.

2019-01-11 23:19:14 UTC  

@Sigma Id say it is a catalogue of different upbringings that can be created in certain environmental conditions (climates, social relations, religions etc) and how to deploy them in certain areas of the world. or maybe is just a big unpredictable game based on predictable human reactions.

2019-01-11 23:19:20 UTC  

For example, look at feminism. They have quite the influence on the world for a long while. Now, it's reached its peak (the #metoo bullshit and false rape). As guided by their former feminist cult leaders. So it's safe to say that their goals have never changed, it is to give women all the power. Once they reached it or get close to it (which they alrey have) the people will eventually rebel or need a new outlet.

2019-01-11 23:19:26 UTC  

@Gaarak his use is so when ppl like us discuss fremasonry there are always examples of good masons to cover their asses

2019-01-11 23:19:32 UTC  

That's when the new problems arise

2019-01-11 23:19:38 UTC  

I go to bed n sleep for 9 hours and ya still here @Gaarak

2019-01-11 23:19:48 UTC  

Having people in a constant state of fear and anxiety is a good way to control someone. Think of a bully making some kid humiliate himself

2019-01-11 23:19:52 UTC  

Morning men (evening where you are I'm guessing)