Message from @Whats gay anymore

Discord ID: 535497282666102785

2019-01-17 16:32:18 UTC  

They want to ban meat consumption

2019-01-17 16:32:23 UTC  

People have different digestive systems and gut bacteria therefore no one cares whether or not you are a vegan

2019-01-17 16:32:23 UTC  

pretty sure fast food corporations have all law makers on speed dial

2019-01-17 16:32:24 UTC  

Then kill all the animals

2019-01-17 16:32:31 UTC  

@bearlyalive some have said grass fed beef contributes to more green house gases than the entire transportation industry. I don't know if i believe it, but i know a lot of cars' exhaust is cleaner than the air they're taking in.

2019-01-17 16:32:44 UTC  

Guess what

2019-01-17 16:32:52 UTC  

they dont give a fuck about pollution or gloabl warming

2019-01-17 16:32:54 UTC  

Co2 isn't the main greenhouse gas

2019-01-17 16:32:59 UTC  

most of it comes from Asia and Africa

2019-01-17 16:33:03 UTC  

Water vapour is

2019-01-17 16:33:09 UTC  


2019-01-17 16:33:12 UTC  

droppin knowledge bombs today

2019-01-17 16:33:13 UTC  

@GingerSnaps thing is transport industry can be made cleaner without having to quit doing something u know?

2019-01-17 16:33:26 UTC  

Its effect is like 10* that of the next highest

2019-01-17 16:33:37 UTC  

yeah methane is more toxic for the environment than co2.

2019-01-17 16:33:43 UTC  

If you drive an electric car or a gas car- nobody gives really a fuck. But to eat or not eat meat i think thats another story

2019-01-17 16:33:51 UTC  

they dont want to talk about overpopulation in the third world, which is probably the biggest contributor to pollution wordlwide

2019-01-17 16:34:17 UTC  

single use plastics are another thing that needs to be banned.

2019-01-17 16:34:43 UTC  

once they have a viable solution they will stop using them

2019-01-17 16:34:46 UTC  

banning isnt the answer

2019-01-17 16:35:01 UTC  

invest in research into biodegradable plastics at competitive prices

2019-01-17 16:35:13 UTC  

Can anyone pls post something new in the anime babes section

2019-01-17 16:35:19 UTC  

also according to the current data, we are screwed anyway and it makes no sense to take climate change seriously

2019-01-17 16:35:32 UTC  

there are many more pressing issues then climate change imo

2019-01-17 16:35:36 UTC  

@The-Free-Monk u from the USA?

2019-01-17 16:35:44 UTC  


2019-01-17 16:36:07 UTC  

I had a teacher that engineered a bacteria that ate plastic

2019-01-17 16:36:17 UTC  

its just too pricey right now

2019-01-17 16:36:20 UTC  

but it'll get there

2019-01-17 16:36:24 UTC  

It took 72 hours in a radiation chamber to destroy

2019-01-17 16:36:32 UTC  

@H4NS3 I might be able to help.

2019-01-17 16:37:31 UTC  

Nevermind, I dont really have anything lewd....

2019-01-17 16:37:59 UTC  

damn i was waiting for the good stuff

2019-01-17 16:38:06 UTC  

I am dissapointed @EmptyEagle

2019-01-17 16:39:31 UTC  

Right guys imma stop lurking rn and fuck off. C ya

2019-01-17 16:39:39 UTC  


2019-01-17 16:39:40 UTC  


2019-01-17 16:42:39 UTC  

He’s gone.

2019-01-17 16:43:09 UTC  

Yeah, guess most of my collection is gone. I'm disappointed.

2019-01-17 16:43:42 UTC  

@CappyK how fast does the bacteria eat plastic?

2019-01-17 16:58:11 UTC  

can someone explain the choke sasuke meme?