Message from @essence

Discord ID: 536136583657685002

2019-01-19 10:49:17 UTC  

fixed it

2019-01-19 10:49:21 UTC  

Hmmm wait! Where’s the Austin Powers sexdoll review!

2019-01-19 10:50:16 UTC  

Also quick fyi Anasun means animal like an insult

2019-01-19 10:50:28 UTC  

Hey guys since it should be morning for most of the NA guys now i wanna bomb into your conversations and drop some encouragement I wrote. There might be some kind of user announcement stuff which HHH said he might implement where I will drop it too if its available. For now I wanna reach some of you.

2019-01-19 10:50:31 UTC  

Hey guys, wanted to spread some positivity around here. We as a MGTOW community have found a way to greatly increase our overall energy, money and most importantly freedom by going our own way. GYOW certainly isnt easy and as Hermit often preaches one has to find his way for himself and shouldnt straight up follow anybody elses way and copy it. Thing is, we as men are what mankind thrived on in its entire existence and it will most likely continue to go on like this. When a men truly goes his own way, the whole world is open to him. I myself just recently understood what the term commitment truly means and how everybody of us is going to benefit in a tremendous way if we really commit not only to MGTOW but also to our other dreams. Remember the scene in fight club when Tyler Durden asks “If you died right now, how would you feel about your life?“. I think it is crucial to ask this yourself from time to time. Think about where you already were, in what kind of adversity, throught what kind of bullshit you already went through. Now think about where you would rank yourself in overall performance in life measured by your own standards on a range from 1-10 where 10 is the best. Hell I am far from 10. Thing is, I am also far from 1. Constantly fighting the battle, our battle and several others (in my case trying to succeed in NoFap, getting a degree etc. etc.) means a lot more hardship, a lot more adversity, a lot more strength you gotta expend to truly achieve what you want in life. As long as you keep fighting it really fucking DOESNT MATTER where you are on the spectrum. Hell if you are at 1 FUCK IT because if you are working on improving in which world does it matter where you are right now?

2019-01-19 10:50:40 UTC  

In fact it is only logical that u are nowhere near 10 when u are working on yourself and thats perfectly healthy guys. Who even is at 10? Even with near Gods such as Tesla, Einstein and mb Elon Musk who changed and are changing the world I dont think a 10-person ever existed and I am trying hard to reach the 10. Every day I am trying to improve I would answer Tylers question with: „I would feel amazing because I endured hardship for a long time and finally decided to resurrect myself with the power which is inside of me. I never fucking gave up nor did i whine for too long about how shit life is. I know that I succeeded in life because I did everything in my power to succeed.“ Even if you are at 1 at the spectrum you know that you died as a warrior. How would you rather die? Being fucking miserable and knowing you never changed it whining about how unfair things are or as a warrior trynna giving your best to improve and succeed even if you hadnt the chance yet to come a long way? Most of us MGTOW men as young as they might be have already come a long way and got a long way ahead of us. GYOW is one of a couple of steps of unlocking your true potential. GYOW and prosper guys.

2019-01-19 10:50:41 UTC  

You want an Elizabeth Hurley doll... holy wall o text, batman!

2019-01-19 10:51:39 UTC  

now thats a lot of shit

2019-01-19 10:51:56 UTC  

my path in life is to seize a portion of california's land and turn it into my own state

2019-01-19 10:52:09 UTC  

all while laying in bed eating chocolate covered almonds

2019-01-19 10:52:30 UTC  

@Whats gay anymore you liked it?

2019-01-19 10:53:05 UTC  

@haku. good luck with that. Is there a chance you could stop by and own the lands above dtla like glendale burbank and sun valley??! Thanks.

2019-01-19 10:53:19 UTC  

not fucking touching LA

2019-01-19 10:53:26 UTC  

don't want that polluted cesspit

2019-01-19 10:53:34 UTC  

maybe i'll seize the harbors

2019-01-19 10:53:39 UTC  

thats about it

2019-01-19 10:53:47 UTC  

yeah i dont regret reading it

2019-01-19 10:53:53 UTC  

Cease it and gas it

2019-01-19 10:54:38 UTC  

Shit how would I feel if I died right now? Not enough danger, very unbecoming

2019-01-19 10:55:17 UTC  

@Whats gay anymore haha glad you didnt dude. Honestly its as much encouragement for everyone of us at it is help for me. I am trying to make the necessary commitments to fucking change my life NOW. I dont wanna feel bad about life if I died right now like the pussy version of Tyler Durden.

2019-01-19 10:55:22 UTC  

Dude it’s come to a point where people in my life will only grief me for one day and forget about it

2019-01-19 10:56:13 UTC  

@bearlyalive Good wall post, or should I say ... post wall amirite?

2019-01-19 10:56:15 UTC  

@essence I think your probably is that you have too much external validation

2019-01-19 10:56:21 UTC  

I think it’s gonna get worse as time goes on

2019-01-19 10:56:23 UTC  

you gotta evaluate if theyre worth keeping around

2019-01-19 10:56:27 UTC  

@bearlyalive Well said, thanks for sharing.

2019-01-19 10:56:46 UTC  

What is external validation

2019-01-19 10:56:58 UTC  

simp validation

2019-01-19 10:56:59 UTC  

other people saying youre a good boy

2019-01-19 10:57:03 UTC  


2019-01-19 10:57:07 UTC  

Fuck that

2019-01-19 10:57:21 UTC  

Watch this video by TFM: The Zen of ZFG (Complete Series)

2019-01-19 10:57:29 UTC  

@Nawalter Jizney @GingerSnaps glad I could help some of you guys. Stay strong on our path its hard for everyone. Prosper guys. Prosper.

2019-01-19 10:57:37 UTC  

He sent it to me

2019-01-19 10:58:08 UTC  

I had the question of how I could improve internal validation. I think the video helped

2019-01-19 10:58:29 UTC  

The discord is starting strong this morning lol

2019-01-19 10:58:31 UTC  

@bearlyalive sorry I didn’t read the whole thing yet but I appreciate the encouragement

2019-01-19 10:58:45 UTC  

And also I’m cooking for last night

2019-01-19 10:59:44 UTC  

@bearlyalive I put that wall of text into a text to speech engine, it took a bit but thanks for the words of encouragement

2019-01-19 11:00:26 UTC  

@essence I am not forcing anybody to read anything, if its too long for you dont read it. I am merely trying to not only encourage some of you guys on your path of MGTOW but also encourage you to change yourselves to become the best versions of yourselves. Its as much help for me (part of committing to it for me) as it is help for you

2019-01-19 11:01:08 UTC  

@Phosis T'Kar glad you liked it. Prosper guys! Theres a whole day in front of you! I am keen on what I can accomplish today, already was at the gym.