Message from @Click
Discord ID: 277346999974625281
it's like a scenario where everyone stops fighting to counter the ancient big bad
we got moderates, lolbertarians, we got former hillshills, we got bernie bros
we got ancaps, we got caps, we got lolcaps
I don't pretend to speak for everyone, so pardon me if I spoke out of turn.
maybe not all in this one discord but i fucking tell you
antifa are digging their grave
every minute of video of them that gets out makes them a thousand enemies
we may not be allies forever but for now
expect some strange bedfellows
in the fight at least
this shit has to be stopped and stopped forever
in fact, it's the first time i've seen 'diversity' be a good thing
imagine that
antifa's one accomplishment: causing the first good example of diversity, as people united to expose them and get rid of them
now im back to editing that antifa violence supercut
nice nice
im trying to make one for our alaska division
I like Scott Adams' take:
First Amendment
@here anyone have a hi-res of the emblem?
@here Enjoy
Yo, did my mic cut out?
time to raid
@JosephLeMeme h a n g
We can't stand for this red bullshit AntiFa plot to agitate for Communist California Secession. Soros. Bill Ayers. Weather Underground. Popping off after FBIAnon leaks
Huh I woulda blamed the jews
wew lmao
War with China WHEN?