Message from @danny

Discord ID: 539557716008501254

2019-01-28 21:22:02 UTC  

!enjoy the decline

2019-01-28 21:22:26 UTC  

I think everyone should be valued for what input they can make for society as a whole and their community, but I agree with tfm that if you're not a net tax payer you shouldn't be allowed to vote. It just makes sense to me. And I get disability and food stamps..

2019-01-28 21:22:27 UTC  


2019-01-28 21:23:56 UTC  

It's like I said before, I don't mind if people with psychotic disorders can't buy firearms even though it means I wouldn't be able to

2019-01-28 21:24:09 UTC  

Yeh ginger, I will admit I don’t think the tax payer should have to pay for anyone to just exist on welfare, mainly because political parties can take advantage of the lazy, needy, and disabled and promise welfare to secure their vote and get into power that way

2019-01-28 21:24:26 UTC  

goto a clan based meritoracy w/no welfare

2019-01-28 21:24:57 UTC  

If you were born with a disability it’s a real tragedy but that’s the real world for ya

2019-01-28 21:26:26 UTC  

Meow ...

2019-01-28 21:26:37 UTC  

is danny still here

2019-01-28 21:26:42 UTC  

Beside the disabled will still have charities they can get aid from

2019-01-28 21:26:43 UTC  

what do we do with the disabled niggas tho

2019-01-28 21:26:49 UTC  

The lazy will have to get a job

2019-01-28 21:27:16 UTC  

And the needy probably made a bad life decision anyway so they need to learn from rubbing their face in the dirt

2019-01-28 21:27:26 UTC  

Yo whats good

2019-01-28 21:27:48 UTC  

@haku. the disabled will probably still have charity organisation to aid them

2019-01-28 21:28:28 UTC  

Or a family to take care of them if they’re parent loves them that much and maybe a brother to take care once the parents pass yknow what I’m saying?

2019-01-28 21:28:41 UTC  

I mean it's all good to have a meritocracy until someone makes a law saying X party is no longer allowed to own money

2019-01-28 21:29:03 UTC  

families should b responsible for the disabled

2019-01-28 21:29:14 UTC  

I’d say their are some constitutional things in a meritocracy to prevent that

2019-01-28 21:29:29 UTC  

Yea I'm just saying it'd be easy to corrupt that shit

2019-01-28 21:29:43 UTC  

And once you do that nobody can fix it because the rich got theirs already

2019-01-28 21:29:54 UTC  

not if head of household decided

2019-01-28 21:30:34 UTC  

Also here's a concept. Let's go back to tribalism and just living off the land. It's not hard to contribute to farming, cooking, cleaning etc. Unless you're like 100% steven hawking status with an iq of 50, you should be able to contribute to a society like that.

2019-01-28 21:30:45 UTC  

high IQ

2019-01-28 21:30:46 UTC  

clan based meritocracy is prob the best if responsibilities n accountablitiy r done right

2019-01-28 21:30:55 UTC  


2019-01-28 21:31:06 UTC  

real difficult words here

2019-01-28 21:31:10 UTC  

what happened

2019-01-28 21:31:12 UTC  

we'd lose all technology which could be a good thing but people would bitch to no end

2019-01-28 21:31:16 UTC  

One thing I think would stop the obvious problem of the voters reducing they’re tax rate and knocking up the tax rate of minorities to take their. vote away is a fixed tax percent that accross everyone

2019-01-28 21:31:43 UTC  

And that rate can only be lowered or increased for everyone

2019-01-28 21:31:49 UTC  

yea true

2019-01-28 21:33:04 UTC  

bois after you colapse you can get those juicy dollars of yours and come to east EU im currently getting the land for the brothel

2019-01-28 21:33:12 UTC  

That way if the elite somehow increase the tax rate so that they have most of the votes and wveeyone else doesn’t revolt they’re paying a lot of taxes for that

2019-01-28 21:33:29 UTC  

when the collapse comes i will set the foundation for my own nation state

2019-01-28 21:33:39 UTC  

i'll called it NGTOW

2019-01-28 21:34:12 UTC  

i mean

2019-01-28 21:34:13 UTC  

I’m Atleast going to try and influence people into building a meritocracy to lay seed for a future generation

2019-01-28 21:34:22 UTC  

if i can crack my dad's gun safe then i can do something

2019-01-28 21:34:22 UTC  

Of society

2019-01-28 21:34:59 UTC  

put the gun down boi
i had to earn my right to use one