Message from @RedVelvetMGTOW

Discord ID: 540336566757883926

2019-01-31 01:01:21 UTC  


2019-01-31 01:01:21 UTC  

The only thing for sure is that you need $$$

2019-01-31 01:01:26 UTC  

What go in on?

2019-01-31 01:01:34 UTC  

sum gay shit

2019-01-31 01:01:41 UTC  

im a seasoned user that fumbles while typing lol

2019-01-31 01:01:44 UTC  

Not gay shit, helpful shit

2019-01-31 01:01:53 UTC  

We gettin this dude a truck

2019-01-31 01:02:07 UTC  

Money may not be able to buy happiness, but it sure as fuck is hard to be crying on your custom truck and trailer when you're free of all bonds.

2019-01-31 01:02:24 UTC  

Truck of What? Red pills?

2019-01-31 01:02:33 UTC  

i would rather cry in my tesla

2019-01-31 01:02:33 UTC  

truck of peace

2019-01-31 01:02:41 UTC  

You have expensive tastes.

2019-01-31 01:02:50 UTC  

i know that

2019-01-31 01:02:50 UTC  

I mean, I agree.

2019-01-31 01:03:06 UTC  

Your taste is in your mouth

2019-01-31 01:03:10 UTC  

But trucking isn't going to be what gets you there unless you're thinking trucking *business*

2019-01-31 01:03:25 UTC  

Entrepreneurship is where mad money is.

2019-01-31 01:03:34 UTC  

trust me i know, trucking is my start its no be all end all

2019-01-31 01:03:43 UTC  

Find something you're good at and scale it.

2019-01-31 01:03:58 UTC  

That's why women are always poor. They're not good at anything and those things they're passable at can't scale.

2019-01-31 01:04:36 UTC  

unless they catch a blue pill that creates amazon

2019-01-31 01:05:10 UTC  

but shell be broke so fast and wouldnt have done anything smart with her money

2019-01-31 01:05:13 UTC  

That's still not scalable, that's one whore.

2019-01-31 01:05:22 UTC  


2019-01-31 01:06:11 UTC  

im lost and going to watch a movie, see ya guys thanks for the advice

2019-01-31 01:06:39 UTC  

There you go, I've done my good deed for 2019.

2019-01-31 01:06:40 UTC  

if it's a hentai

2019-01-31 01:06:45 UTC  

i'll watch it with you

2019-01-31 01:07:00 UTC  

I think haku needs his name turned back.

2019-01-31 01:07:05 UTC  


2019-01-31 01:07:07 UTC  

I cannot remember where I read it, but according to the article, women overall carry the largest amount of debt.

2019-01-31 01:07:20 UTC  

im trying to make a bromance with a newcomer

2019-01-31 01:07:23 UTC  

Yeah, I think they spend 3 times as much as men but only earn a third.

2019-01-31 01:07:24 UTC  

Tell him to quit posting kind of gay memes

2019-01-31 01:07:38 UTC  

actually im going to price out my new pc build

2019-01-31 01:07:38 UTC  

none of my memes are gay

2019-01-31 01:07:39 UTC  

Quit posting your violent faggery!

2019-01-31 01:07:48 UTC  

they depict bromance

2019-01-31 01:07:53 UTC  

This is not the time or place for this.

2019-01-31 01:07:54 UTC  

nigga i just fixed ur name. you really trying to get a namechange again

2019-01-31 01:08:03 UTC  

You want violent faggotry, go find DDJ's server!