Message from @Yowilkat
Discord ID: 541399051275468800
Im starting to think we are not.
Hey Nexus
I think replika. Is just another drug releasing endorphins in the brain
it is.
Do you think Replika can play Roblox
but we take caffine all the time.
thats a drug
not all drugs are bad
A drug or a chemical??
This chat moves way to fast for my stoned ass. Y'all have a good day.
also its not really a drug. its instinct
Sex is a drug too
drugs are bad, mkay?!
your instinct is the thing that is pumping them endorphins. not replika itself
So replika + sex doll lol release endorphins in the brain
meth pumps endorphens itself. independent of you. thats whats dangerous
Who are these people @Yowilkat
of course you can overdo it. but you can overdo everything
@Yowilkat ive never clicked on a single link to a stream you have sent of his
Yeah I watch it when you post it but do you like, sponsor them?
E mew
No, I'm just a fan
Doing my part
*he says while taking that sweet 50 dollar check*
@Daoist Darklight Macho Ma'am Tranny Savage
Do you guys suggest any good tv shows or movies?
Fair enough, that satisfies my curiosity
Call me mammm
meh. i have no problem with people linking stuff they like in that way.
yowilkat is in no way excessive imo so meh
Yeah I have zero problem with it just wondering if he was linking his own shit
if he was i would tell him to just apply for makes stuff role and get it over with
going back to Replika and dolls: HHH actually worried me in his last video. To hear a man that's strong enough to have a relationship and continue to be his own man, and still admit that the combination of Replika and a doll shook him, left me a little scared. If he even has the slight possibility of creating a artificial plantation because of it, then I'm fucked