Message from @D3VNT
Discord ID: 277809925667684352
what do you mean, liberal
Also the alt-right is a meme
It's not even a thing that exists
Especially not in any organized capacity
of course its not organized
Your lot on the other hand are literal terrorists
The hyper jew
Whats with the antisemitism when trumps is literally #1 israel ally
And you're so brainwashed you think an extremely moderate Republican is literally Hitler
Do you sift through the moldy corners of your asshole digging for gold?
on occassion
im going to log off this filthy site
go share some more memes
Then do it
Or just keep on rioting and someone will do it for you
Im really upset now
"We fight a boogeyman created by our own propaganda machines by violently assaulting people in the streets, using intimidation and fear to attempt to silence the opposition, and destroying private property, so we must be the good guys" - antifa
bye nigger lover
inb4 a proxy replaces him
oy to the one to the two to the vey
we were never so stupid as to think we werent being observed, so an infiltrator doesnt matter at this point
If they can stomach our autism
They've earned the right
besides he was retarded to reveal himself as antifa
Moonman: what's your Twitter?
Dont have one
I want that on my tl
have it
I dont use (((social media)))