Message from @electric bruhgaloo

Discord ID: 554721065989963786

2019-03-11 17:41:26 UTC

no more

2019-03-11 17:41:31 UTC

no more?

2019-03-11 17:41:35 UTC

Trying to get my gf to move closer to my home

2019-03-11 17:41:36 UTC

what do we talkabout then

2019-03-11 17:41:48 UTC

Cause her program isn't here

2019-03-11 17:41:54 UTC

trying to get mart to come visit me that fucking mart mart man mart named mart

2019-03-11 17:41:59 UTC

She wants to do Ultrasounds

2019-03-11 17:42:06 UTC

uh oh

2019-03-11 17:42:09 UTC


2019-03-11 17:42:12 UTC


2019-03-11 17:42:14 UTC

Maybe when I'm at home I'll come visit

2019-03-11 17:42:17 UTC

*baby dies*

2019-03-11 17:42:24 UTC

But for now I don't have a car

2019-03-11 17:42:34 UTC

you can crash

2019-03-11 17:42:36 UTC

at my place

2019-03-11 17:42:38 UTC

get the fuck out of there

2019-03-11 17:42:50 UTC

/walking/ gang

2019-03-11 17:42:57 UTC


2019-03-11 17:43:22 UTC

God gave you legs, use em! <:boomer:548791879018217482>

2019-03-11 17:43:27 UTC


2019-03-11 17:43:28 UTC


2019-03-11 17:43:30 UTC


2019-03-11 17:43:36 UTC

I'll use my hoverboard

2019-03-11 17:43:47 UTC

<:mlady:280808879204597762> yfw no exercise

2019-03-11 17:43:56 UTC

Grim fw no exercise <:mlady:280808879204597762>

2019-03-11 17:44:15 UTC

Grim's face <:mlady:280808879204597762>

2019-03-11 17:44:20 UTC

grim face

2019-03-11 17:44:21 UTC

is actually

2019-03-11 17:44:22 UTC


2019-03-11 17:44:24 UTC


2019-03-11 17:45:18 UTC

Grim needs more KFC for his 0.2%

2019-03-11 17:45:32 UTC

he needs grease

2019-03-11 17:45:47 UTC

so interesting thing with my leg i mentioned that it was a martial arts injury, well the 3 to 4 pressure points that were hit are rather nasty ones and if any harder i couldve broken my knee cap

2019-03-11 17:46:02 UTC


2019-03-11 17:46:30 UTC

ur sensei is shit then

2019-03-11 17:46:33 UTC

sue him

2019-03-11 17:46:59 UTC

no it was a mistake on my part, i failed to mention i had this type of injury before

2019-03-11 17:47:00 UTC

which style of kung fu

2019-03-11 17:47:09 UTC


2019-03-11 17:47:13 UTC

sue him anyway

2019-03-11 17:47:25 UTC