Message from @electric bruhgaloo

Discord ID: 554891042210578432

2019-03-12 04:58:07 UTC

you're not funny

2019-03-12 04:58:08 UTC


2019-03-12 04:58:10 UTC

Shut up

2019-03-12 04:58:14 UTC

Paul blart

2019-03-12 04:58:16 UTC

bruh moment

2019-03-12 04:58:20 UTC

Whose plankton

2019-03-12 04:58:24 UTC

I’ll take the battery out of your segway

2019-03-12 04:58:26 UTC

I'm Shakti I power trip on Discord cause I can't IRL

2019-03-12 04:58:26 UTC

you need to chill bro

2019-03-12 04:58:29 UTC

take a deep breath

2019-03-12 04:58:30 UTC

Then what are you gonna do?

2019-03-12 04:58:30 UTC

hey looked i asked where his fake account was

2019-03-12 04:58:33 UTC

and he brought it back

2019-03-12 04:58:34 UTC


2019-03-12 04:58:38 UTC

Dude im real

2019-03-12 04:58:39 UTC


2019-03-12 04:58:41 UTC

my fake account is back

2019-03-12 04:58:43 UTC

@celestial⚡ let me see those barcode arms bby

2019-03-12 04:58:45 UTC

No alts allowed

2019-03-12 04:58:49 UTC

How do i voice record

2019-03-12 04:58:53 UTC

@celestial⚡ let me scan those bitches

2019-03-12 04:58:55 UTC

you go into vc

2019-03-12 04:59:00 UTC

I hope I get bananas

2019-03-12 04:59:06 UTC

i dont want voice, i want your cut marks from daddy not loving you

2019-03-12 04:59:10 UTC

show your new daddy

2019-03-12 04:59:11 UTC


2019-03-12 04:59:14 UTC

ask for the anne frank discount

2019-03-12 04:59:16 UTC

it's edgelord night in OH

2019-03-12 04:59:21 UTC

@Curdled_Anal_Chunks her daddy loved her

2019-03-12 04:59:23 UTC

yeah you're usually not in here

2019-03-12 04:59:27 UTC

I have good relationship with my dad

2019-03-12 04:59:28 UTC

2019-03-12 04:59:30 UTC

I have mommy issues

2019-03-12 04:59:31 UTC

Loved beating the shit out of her

2019-03-12 04:59:33 UTC

Cut moar

2019-03-12 04:59:46 UTC

at least i can use the blood as lube if i reopen them

2019-03-12 04:59:50 UTC

I dare you to cut upwards

2019-03-12 04:59:52 UTC

nice candycane time

2019-03-12 05:00:06 UTC

I'm Shakti, I can't ban people on OH so I do it from my shit stream server

2019-03-12 05:00:09 UTC

Is everyone here crom ohio

2019-03-12 05:00:09 UTC

<:laff:387622602111320065> <:laff:387622602111320065>