Message from @Victortze
Discord ID: 514941725102440468
ahh the sight of purity being **defiled**
The image are all from the same Tower defence game, you are "the prince" , the shade in all the images
What's the game?
Millenium war Aigis, sadly its nutaku version went under after they banned all the loli character (thus breaking the game since they were important) and ruined it from the start
got a non hentai version too (just did a collaboration with "Seven Deadly Sins"
time to learn a new language and **tower the babes**
the left is the royal maid (black rarity) right is archer (black)
That last one is vey nass
@Change Order fucking a+ anime babes fam
fake boobs
thats.... kinda a moot point fam
its a meme on sakuya's varying boob size in the serie
Pretty valid point then
oh. i wouldnt know.
didnt watch it.
i just got rip in peaced
Maybe he prefers natural tiddies
@shadowlessnexus touhou is a game serie, not anime
And it spawned the song Bad Apple!! which RichaadEB did an amazing metal cover of
it spawned a crap load of songs