Message from @Odd
Discord ID: 491530659609837568
im sure yall feel great in a male harem am I right?
I'm in the male harem of every woman I've ever dated
The sluts
I am friends with girls if i dont feel attracted to them and they don't love me. It generally opens the doors to new girls
It is amusing that no matter what, girls/women is still our biggest focal point. This hard wiring in our heads, bodies and soul seems impossible to untangle. Somehow we have to undo millenia of evolution to be able to truly go our own way. Amusing in a sad way sort of.
It is biologically hardwired into our brain to be attracted to girls with some minor exceptions. I am thinking about writing a short essay about the three instances model of Freud to explain how this confusing way of thinking is created. if H³ doesn't do it before me. This has nothing to do with the millenial evolution. Listen to the boomer generation making miserable love songs like Angie or all this "give me another chance"-metal-balladds about their waifus that fuck another guy yet they are still in love. Cucks always existed, MGTOW always existed. But now it is the time a movement was neccesary
Another funny thing i wanted to write about is how in the middle-age Hypagamy was just so much more honest. Then, Women got told to marry this particular guy for his wealthy being or social status. Nowadays you have to fight through many layers of cogntive dissonance of modern values in their heads until in the end when the possibility for them arrived this desire of women eventually shows itself as it is.
@Mysteriedingens interesting insight again who is Freud and h3
Sigmund Freud was an Austrian neurologist and the founder of psychoanalysis
Oh !!! Ok I think I heard about it
Yea, he is one of the most influentia thinkers of the twentieth century concerning Psychology
Do you know about Abraham maslow
And his hierarchy of needs
I will look that up three instances model of freud
it actually combines good with the evolution of todays society and the maslow pyramide
Mysteriedingens, I would love to read that essay! Interesting. Could you elaborate on the 'this has nothing to do with the millenial evolution' thingie though? A couple of sentences before that you agree that it is biologically hardwired. Just want to make sure I understand that distinction of yours. To me evolution is biological hardwiring.
With evolution in this case i just ment the progression of the society perceiving a certain moral value as good
Damn phone. It keeps buzzing when I try to type. Ok, so more like the evolution of our society then? Just trying to understand your reasoning. Not oppose it in any way 😃
I would read your essay.
Yes, exactly. If you look at it from distance the society is more like the framework that influences the conscious way of thinking but in the end you see the same patterns in every society. The more you read romances from completely different ages the more you seem to understand that.
Like H³ and many other influencers of the MGTOW movement pointed out, our modern framework of values in western society is gynocentric and feminised. That means it is more in the female nature - hedonistic and has lack of purpose. Especially the Video about South Korea of H³ is an eye opener in this sense.
Thank you.
Sometimes I have a hard time following a string of thoughts because it isn't always stated in the outset what viewpoint the argument orginate from. A socially engineered framework like a society or biologically wired hypergamy. I don't mean that they are separated by much, it is just often important to know which one when you try to understand the context of an opinion. And Hermit is quite good at making sure I know from which angle he is coming from.
On another note, I really enjoy just hanging around listening to you guys. I'm a middle aged white Swede so I sort of live in lost territory. The "war" here is over. No matter what happens in the next few years or decades, Scandinavia is lost. Red pills only option here is ghosting in plain sight. The fights now is between different tribes of feminsts ripping each other apart. We are counting on you guys to make a difference.
Here in Germany there are heavy demonstrations against refugees and the conservative-right wing gains alot of Patriots that are full of the decisions made over their heads. With that said, poor Swedistans culture is so declined in the past years that is really just saddening. The same goes for France in the biggest cities by the way.
Yes, we are probably beyond repair up here. Continental Europe might still have a chance to turn this tide. That is pretty much my only hope right now.
as a swed my self i am looking to get the fuck out of hear befor the shit is to bad to tread
Having the chance to ask a native - are the nogo zones as real as reported? I've seen reporters getting tried to run over by cars and things thrown at like apes
a bit hear and there
I'd say it is true to certain extent. But it is not so much actual zones. It depends more on which part of a city accumulates a critical mass of disgruntled immigrants each night.
hell am in gv if you want to talk
I would but I'm at work so I can't really talk voice. But later tonight I'm happy to talk.
Yes, that works for me.
wow interesting, i may tune in
if you can speak English in voice
of course Mysteriedingens