Message from @Null

Discord ID: 511726056345042944

2018-11-13 02:01:51 UTC  

Student Debt Doesn't mean anything tho.

2018-11-13 02:02:15 UTC  

It is just a means to control the population

2018-11-13 02:02:18 UTC  

Student debt can be forgiven or written off

2018-11-13 02:02:26 UTC  

Debt slavery you mean

2018-11-13 02:02:42 UTC  

Exactly what I mean

2018-11-13 02:03:42 UTC  

Women going to college just increased the schism between the sexes

2018-11-13 02:04:28 UTC  

Weakening the family unit, weakening overall society and all that jazz.

2018-11-13 02:04:40 UTC  

That's true.

2018-11-13 02:04:44 UTC  

Controlling Population/Laws/Wealth/resources is the governments main Job, without it Society goes to shit

2018-11-13 02:05:53 UTC  

There needs to be a governing body as a society gets larger, it's why the native Americans ended up a conquered people. Imagine if they were a truly United society as opposed to scattered tribes that still made war upon each other

2018-11-13 02:07:02 UTC  

Even if they were United , they would Still end up with the same Problems as population and technology increases

2018-11-13 02:07:15 UTC  


2018-11-13 02:07:53 UTC  

We need to figure out What actually works and how to keep Negative Human Nature in check

2018-11-13 02:08:27 UTC  

Even then that is no guarantee they could of resisted the Europeans

2018-11-13 02:09:36 UTC  

I think reinstating a system of values like Augustus did when he became Emperor may be a possible avenue

2018-11-13 02:10:13 UTC  

@ZODD easy make the smart people that can reason and understand the implications of the social contract reproduce more. Dumb dumbs no reproduce, society is now better

2018-11-13 02:10:26 UTC  

@Rhunespire it's interesting that you say Scattered tribes is That Not MGTOW YouTube channels nowadays ?? 🤔 🔥 🔥 🔥

2018-11-13 02:12:24 UTC  

@Null hahahaha, smart people reproducing doesn't mean the offspring will be Superior to other beings. I've seen DUMB ASS parents give birth to Geniuses. Maybe ur one of them

2018-11-13 02:14:08 UTC  

I was making a very simplified argument for eugenics. It is a lot more nuanced then that. I guess I ruffled your feathers.

2018-11-13 02:16:16 UTC  

eugenics doesn't work because of personal interests

2018-11-13 02:16:39 UTC  

Sexual selection you mean.

2018-11-13 02:20:05 UTC  

When anyone mentions eugenics it ruffles feather

2018-11-13 02:20:25 UTC  

But we already have a world wide eugenics program in place; vaccines

2018-11-13 02:20:45 UTC  

That is not eugenics.

2018-11-13 02:21:03 UTC  

How is not?

2018-11-13 02:21:11 UTC  

Eugenics is more u have bad genes , so Fuck ur offspring

2018-11-13 02:21:32 UTC  

Eugenics is a stand in for reproductive selective pressures on a population once that population is more or less stable.

2018-11-13 02:22:13 UTC  

Essentially they won't be subject to natural selection because of society and advances in medicine.

2018-11-13 02:22:20 UTC  

I understand that, but I'm what getting is that we have something in place already, perhaps tagging it as eugenics may have been a bit hasty but there are similarities in the goal that is being accomplished

2018-11-13 02:23:33 UTC  

@ZODD concerning mgtow channels and scattered tribes that was unintended parallel

2018-11-13 02:24:13 UTC  

But that's a point I'd like to address

2018-11-13 02:24:25 UTC  

No because vaccines and other advances in medicine treat the symptoms of the underlying is of the genetic predisposition. If that predisposition did not exist there would be no need to treat it.

2018-11-13 02:24:25 UTC  

Go ahead

2018-11-13 02:25:11 UTC  

Vaccines treat the symptoms? Are you mad? I haven't contracted polio, smallpox etc

2018-11-13 02:26:25 UTC  

We have the genetic vulnerability to contract those diseases. Stop twisting words.

2018-11-13 02:29:56 UTC  

I wasnt twisting anything. Unless the information presented on how vaccines work has intentionally been misrepresented

2018-11-13 02:33:36 UTC  

Vaccines is your position, and you misinterpreted how it being an advancement in medicine could remedy the symptoms of genetic predisposition. In this case being the diseases that you mentioned polio, small pox etc.

2018-11-13 02:35:14 UTC  

Do vaccines cure diseases, yes or no?

2018-11-13 02:35:47 UTC  

Strawmaning my argument yes or no?

2018-11-13 02:35:58 UTC  


2018-11-13 02:36:09 UTC  

You're putting words in my mouth