Message from @Mab Asakura

Discord ID: 513947691588255764

2018-11-19 05:19:52 UTC  

But like, I don't know if i like this chick or if it's been a while and dude's gotta nut.

2018-11-19 05:20:07 UTC  

Rub one out and then reflect

2018-11-19 05:20:17 UTC  

I did, and all systems are telling me GO GO GO GO

2018-11-19 05:20:24 UTC  

Fapping doesn't do it for me anymore fellas lol

2018-11-19 05:20:34 UTC  


2018-11-19 05:20:37 UTC  

I understand

2018-11-19 05:20:47 UTC  

@Mab Asakura if you actually are focused on improving yourself and limit how much attention you give females you will pick up orbiters on the regular

2018-11-19 05:21:03 UTC  

@Mab Asakura ***just get a doll***

2018-11-19 05:21:23 UTC  


2018-11-19 05:21:27 UTC  

@Reaper good point. Ever since the last encounter totally fucked me in the head, I've been in full dgaf mode when it comes to women and instead pursuing passion projects.

2018-11-19 05:22:01 UTC  

Though, I'm afraid if I go in that path too hard, gigity, I'll end up being a prude and a socially inept man

2018-11-19 05:22:43 UTC  

@Mab Asakura just keep the mindset whether you get involved with this chick or not and it will always work out its like a base to go back to

2018-11-19 05:23:00 UTC  

Plus, I'm introverted so any attention from women is like, "is this what it's like ot be alive?"

2018-11-19 05:23:14 UTC  

Ahh gotcha, like a savepoint.

2018-11-19 05:23:29 UTC  

IF it doens't pan out, then reload the save. That's a pretty good way of thinking.

2018-11-19 05:23:38 UTC  

@Mab Asakura sounds like you have a bit of an anxiety problem. Speaking from experience

2018-11-19 05:24:01 UTC  

@ToastMcGhost A bit is an understatement lol. My fingers are all trashed with me picking it all the time.

2018-11-19 05:24:20 UTC  

DO you take medication for it?

2018-11-19 05:24:25 UTC  

Mine manifests in OCD usually

2018-11-19 05:24:33 UTC  

I take meds

2018-11-19 05:24:38 UTC  

I got some anxiety meds, but I refrain from taking any anti-depressant due to job.

2018-11-19 05:25:01 UTC  

I take the anxiety meds when it gets "too bad", but that is far and few in between.

2018-11-19 05:25:59 UTC  

Oh well i was going to say buspirone and gabapentin work wonders for me. I suffer from general anxiety disorder. What do you take benzo's?

2018-11-19 05:26:16 UTC  

It's just like, I never learned how to be a normal person with other people. I've goten beter with watching what I say and act in front of people, but it takes a while for me ot warm up to someone to be truly comfortable with them. LIke a LONG while.

2018-11-19 05:26:32 UTC  

Uh, Hydroxyzine Pamoate

2018-11-19 05:26:45 UTC  

@Mab Asakura there are some DBT terms you project like disastrophising, all-or-nothing thinking and rumination. Look into those

2018-11-19 05:26:56 UTC  


2018-11-19 05:26:57 UTC  

@Mab Asakura the introvert struggle is real. lol

2018-11-19 05:27:08 UTC  

DIaletical behavioral therapy

2018-11-19 05:27:10 UTC  

I feel that

2018-11-19 05:27:14 UTC  


2018-11-19 05:27:25 UTC  

Dialectical Behavioral Therapy. It's basically changing your base thoughts

2018-11-19 05:27:52 UTC  

Like someone who is suicidal, their base thought is "if I'm dead, I don't have to worry about my problems"

2018-11-19 05:28:08 UTC  

I do have a lot of negative recursive thinking going on when I'm in a rut. I've been taken care of it by just fapping it away. Though now that the faps aren't as effective, I'm forced to face the music lol

2018-11-19 05:28:19 UTC  

Shoulda faced it when I was in late teens/early twenties.

2018-11-19 05:29:47 UTC  

@Mab Asakura I feel for you brother I was never really completely an introvert but I think I may have had a bit of social anxiety in certain situations, it is a problem so many suffer from and as men truly nobody gives a fuck

2018-11-19 05:30:00 UTC  

@ToastMcGhost Wow I never knew that was a thing. Will definitely look into those. Thanks for showing me options my dude.

2018-11-19 05:30:31 UTC  

I'm glad to help. I wanted to start my own mental health YT channel at some point

2018-11-19 05:30:52 UTC  

@Reaper Nobody gives a fuck is right. Like, if I pipe up about my issues, It either gets brushed aside as weakness or blown out of proportion for no reason. People really don't know how to react with moderation.

2018-11-19 05:31:37 UTC  

Men are more likey to go undaignosed/not seek help due to stigmas

2018-11-19 05:31:56 UTC  

We're also... like 80 something percent of suicides?