Message from @MufflePuff

Discord ID: 518153985551630337

2018-11-30 19:54:50 UTC  


2018-11-30 19:54:57 UTC  

They did Spyro

2018-11-30 19:55:01 UTC  

Crash Bandicoot

2018-11-30 19:55:14 UTC  

I need muh games remade goddamnit

2018-11-30 19:55:58 UTC  

I hope they remake the ps2 game, The Thing

2018-11-30 19:56:01 UTC  

one second

2018-11-30 19:56:08 UTC  

They’re shitting the bed on FF7’s remake. Apparently it’s going to be like five games.

2018-11-30 19:56:23 UTC  

Taking too long.

2018-11-30 19:56:26 UTC  

you all heard about diablo immortal, right?

2018-11-30 19:56:32 UTC  


2018-11-30 19:56:41 UTC  

Lmao the mobile only?

2018-11-30 19:56:44 UTC  


2018-11-30 19:56:49 UTC  

i have a big kicker to this.

2018-11-30 19:57:05 UTC  

oh, cant post links

2018-11-30 19:57:30 UTC  

DM it to me

2018-11-30 19:57:30 UTC  

You should be able to ask a mod for permission

2018-11-30 19:57:45 UTC  

" [April Fools] Ascend to Victory with Happy Reaper™ " they made an april fools joke about making a mobile game in 2014

2018-11-30 19:57:47 UTC  


2018-11-30 19:58:12 UTC  

There are sooooo many games to be remade.

2018-11-30 19:58:30 UTC  

do you trust the current market to deliver good products though?

2018-11-30 19:58:56 UTC  

I can feel the cases raining down on me. — @Redneo I trusted Disney with Star Wars 🚬

2018-11-30 20:00:10 UTC  

yes. they mad a damn april fools joke about making a mobile game in 2014. and now...

2018-11-30 20:00:25 UTC  

I’m a graphics whore, so modern everything is Christmas to me.

2018-11-30 20:00:46 UTC  

Star Wars in 2018 made my eyes water. Story, not so much.

2018-11-30 20:00:53 UTC  

I dont care about graphics at all. Well, thats not ENTIRELY true.Graphics can ruin a game to some degree but...

2018-11-30 20:01:09 UTC  

thats not so much about good graphics, shaders, textures and such as much as the general design

2018-11-30 20:01:12 UTC  

I keep hearing people say that and it sounds like heresy to me.

2018-11-30 20:01:33 UTC  

Google Gnomoria.

2018-11-30 20:01:45 UTC  

I like art. Graphics to me is about art.

2018-11-30 20:02:10 UTC  

what i really cant stand in graphics is stuff like lense flare

2018-11-30 20:02:25 UTC  

why am i seeing an artifact that would only happen with an improperly operated camera

2018-11-30 20:02:27 UTC  


2018-11-30 20:02:34 UTC  

See just lookin at that game, I wouldn’t even try it.

2018-11-30 20:02:34 UTC  

My charackters eyes are not a camera

2018-11-30 20:02:42 UTC  

I’m a graphics shill.

2018-11-30 20:03:25 UTC  

dont care to much myself about that.

2018-11-30 20:03:51 UTC  

I’m the opposite, I look at (imo) shitty graphics and say why can’t that look more real.

2018-11-30 20:05:10 UTC  

I want every game to look like Detroit: Become Human. Or Hellblade.

2018-11-30 20:05:15 UTC  

funny thing is, my PC has more problems with games like gnomoria than with tripple A graphic heavy titles. Its easy to get a new graphics card, but a new CPU would require a new mainboard and so on

2018-11-30 20:05:43 UTC  

and CPUs arent heavily used in typical AAA games