Message from @Kazemaru
Discord ID: 529342167702044673
@Kosher King of Israel you cant spect that the feds solve all the problems
damn why would you stay in Germany @GrievousThePatriarch
use those open borders to gtfo
Germanfag? @GrievousThePatriarch
You need to solve them as well
The feds do nothing but lick a boot pf a corrupt politician
@Whats gay anymore Because I am still underaged
Might as well ask the feds to pay my phone bill
@Kosher King of Israel I am not native German, I am balkan slav that came in the 4th Reich
Ahh slavs
Ma favourite bois
@Kosher King of Israel I was forced to by my mother after divorce
Wbo isnt.
the double trouble
Leave it to a woman to flee to Germanistan
It's time to learn activist shaming!
Merkle aint got long left
maybe it gets better
Anyways, have fun with Merkel. God damn is she a moron and I fucking hate her.
sup nibbas.
Merkel needs cheap labor pretty much
That is why deh refugees were invited
Sup nigger. @Sparky
I was expecting Germany to start rioting long ago
I love hearing stories of Slav and Asian countries laughing down activists
oh boy
you learned to say the word.
Oh boy, Red Alert 1-3
Hard R alert
fucking best games imo
we got a gangster in here
Shadow gave me the Nigger pass. I'm good
Germany is becoming more right wing lately
Merkel needs to realize that you can't play as hitler if you don't hide the fact you are playing as hitler
last time they went right wing they fixed the problem
lets hope