Message from @Roxgor

Discord ID: 531085955394699264

2019-01-05 12:18:24 UTC  

Prepare the bunkers

2019-01-05 12:18:33 UTC  

For the worst and all that

2019-01-05 12:20:21 UTC  

When the only DMs you get is MEE6 telling you that you can’t link in general chat

2019-01-05 12:20:49 UTC  

feels worthless

2019-01-05 12:22:11 UTC  

Is the inability to fake emotions in front of people (at work, for instance) a symptom of autism?

2019-01-05 12:22:23 UTC  

I seem to be unable to pretend

2019-01-05 12:22:39 UTC  

I’d rather be honest and have a “ fuck off” face

2019-01-05 12:22:40 UTC  

that or you could be a sociopath like me

2019-01-05 12:23:07 UTC  

How do you know you a sociopath

2019-01-05 12:23:14 UTC  

you know

2019-01-05 12:23:20 UTC  

how old are you?

2019-01-05 12:23:25 UTC  

over 18 or under

2019-01-05 12:25:08 UTC  


2019-01-05 12:25:10 UTC  


2019-01-05 12:25:24 UTC  

you probs just autistic

2019-01-05 12:25:38 UTC  


2019-01-05 12:25:40 UTC  

just go get tested it will help you alot

2019-01-05 12:25:42 UTC  

@Roxgor autistic people have a very hard time waking

2019-01-05 12:25:52 UTC  


2019-01-05 12:25:53 UTC  


2019-01-05 12:25:58 UTC  

I would rather not because of strong social stigna

2019-01-05 12:26:03 UTC  

I can fakr all the time

2019-01-05 12:26:04 UTC  

if you do have autism you can get help with alot of shit

2019-01-05 12:26:46 UTC  

What are symptoms of mild autism

2019-01-05 12:27:42 UTC  

when you talk to people can you look at there eyes or do you look away find it uncomfortable

2019-01-05 12:27:55 UTC  

Right in the eyes

2019-01-05 12:28:00 UTC  


2019-01-05 12:28:22 UTC  

When i was 17, a group of friends i thought were my friends betrayed me by suddenly starting to ignore me

2019-01-05 12:28:31 UTC  

I used to be social

2019-01-05 12:28:40 UTC  

Then, after that, i became a recluse

2019-01-05 12:29:00 UTC  

Traumatized me

2019-01-05 12:29:06 UTC  

like i sed just go get tested you can get help with alot of shit and in some parts of the world just get free $$$

2019-01-05 12:29:12 UTC  


2019-01-05 12:29:57 UTC  

I mean, what changes if i do get diagnosed? I can just read about it myself

2019-01-05 12:30:51 UTC  

Also I’m shit at math

2019-01-05 12:31:02 UTC  

Just saying if your autistic you wouldn't be here

2019-01-05 12:31:35 UTC  

Yeah im probably just asocial

2019-01-05 12:31:41 UTC  

I prefer solitude

2019-01-05 12:32:03 UTC  

Also that thing about autist being good at math is just a coincidence as it doesn't impairs mental capacities but social ones

2019-01-05 12:32:19 UTC  

you can get help finding work for example there are also hire quotes so if they dont have any disabled people they wont one this is in Australia so could be diff

2019-01-05 12:32:34 UTC  

Croatia is too right wing for that i think