Message from @Roxgor

Discord ID: 531085053246046209

2019-01-05 12:09:18 UTC  

Yeah but was there one dude to blame?

2019-01-05 12:11:10 UTC  

I've always thought of it as the minority being so vocal the companies think it's a money move to include them

2019-01-05 12:11:10 UTC  


2019-01-05 12:11:23 UTC  

I found another song <#483745061712953355>

2019-01-05 12:11:37 UTC  

Times are changing lads

2019-01-05 12:12:07 UTC  

Better prepare flr the worst to come

2019-01-05 12:12:17 UTC  

@ everyone reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

2019-01-05 12:12:30 UTC  

SJW infiltrated like Zoe quin or whatever

2019-01-05 12:12:37 UTC  

Look at journalism

2019-01-05 12:13:08 UTC  

Hmmm, If only the Military Gave up and disappeared

2019-01-05 12:13:19 UTC  

The top listens to these idiots thinking it's a good idea

2019-01-05 12:13:27 UTC  

The ones doing hardwork disappears

2019-01-05 12:14:19 UTC  

When the worst comes they'd be running around screaming " Where are our troops"

2019-01-05 12:14:26 UTC  

Publicly saying we're with these people as to say we are the good guys

2019-01-05 12:14:26 UTC  

Realising its to latw

2019-01-05 12:18:24 UTC  

Prepare the bunkers

2019-01-05 12:18:33 UTC  

For the worst and all that

2019-01-05 12:20:21 UTC  

When the only DMs you get is MEE6 telling you that you can’t link in general chat

2019-01-05 12:20:49 UTC  

feels worthless

2019-01-05 12:22:11 UTC  

Is the inability to fake emotions in front of people (at work, for instance) a symptom of autism?

2019-01-05 12:22:23 UTC  

I seem to be unable to pretend

2019-01-05 12:22:39 UTC  

I’d rather be honest and have a “ fuck off” face

2019-01-05 12:22:40 UTC  

that or you could be a sociopath like me

2019-01-05 12:23:07 UTC  

How do you know you a sociopath

2019-01-05 12:23:14 UTC  

you know

2019-01-05 12:23:20 UTC  

how old are you?

2019-01-05 12:23:25 UTC  

over 18 or under

2019-01-05 12:25:08 UTC  


2019-01-05 12:25:10 UTC  


2019-01-05 12:25:24 UTC  

you probs just autistic

2019-01-05 12:25:38 UTC  


2019-01-05 12:25:40 UTC  

just go get tested it will help you alot

2019-01-05 12:25:42 UTC  

@Roxgor autistic people have a very hard time waking

2019-01-05 12:25:52 UTC  


2019-01-05 12:25:53 UTC  


2019-01-05 12:25:58 UTC  

I would rather not because of strong social stigna

2019-01-05 12:26:03 UTC  

I can fakr all the time

2019-01-05 12:26:04 UTC  

if you do have autism you can get help with alot of shit

2019-01-05 12:26:46 UTC  

What are symptoms of mild autism

2019-01-05 12:27:42 UTC  

when you talk to people can you look at there eyes or do you look away find it uncomfortable

2019-01-05 12:27:55 UTC  

Right in the eyes