Message from @sam from jimmy neutron

Discord ID: 579462975488917523

2019-05-18 20:50:26 UTC  


2019-05-18 20:51:16 UTC  

stay a while and listen

2019-05-18 20:52:43 UTC  

For what? The same overhashed and trite topics about the same shit?

2019-05-18 20:52:55 UTC  


2019-05-18 20:54:42 UTC  

Is it me or does the internet dull the personalities of people

2019-05-18 20:54:56 UTC  

Don't know what you mean

2019-05-18 20:55:03 UTC  

I've always been a dickhead

2019-05-18 20:55:06 UTC  


2019-05-18 21:11:54 UTC  

2019-05-18 21:35:19 UTC  

2019-05-18 21:36:16 UTC  


2019-05-18 22:04:54 UTC  

ive beem promoted to fella

2019-05-18 22:43:34 UTC  


2019-05-18 22:43:50 UTC  

I'm a retard so this is a good server for me

2019-05-18 22:47:13 UTC  


2019-05-18 23:17:32 UTC  

Welcome eve

2019-05-18 23:17:38 UTC  


2019-05-18 23:18:25 UTC  

welcome @everyone

2019-05-18 23:18:39 UTC  

That wasn't what I was going for

2019-05-18 23:18:45 UTC  

But thanks I guess

2019-05-19 00:18:59 UTC  

Damn I slept like all day

2019-05-19 00:19:05 UTC  

It’s 8 pm now

2019-05-19 00:20:18 UTC  

i hate waking up when it's getting dark

2019-05-19 00:20:23 UTC  

makes me want to kys myself

2019-05-19 00:20:35 UTC  

I work nightshift so I have to

2019-05-19 00:20:42 UTC  


2019-05-19 00:21:32 UTC  


2019-05-19 00:22:54 UTC  


2019-05-19 00:37:35 UTC  

2019-05-19 00:37:47 UTC  

i joined because im a retard o/

2019-05-19 00:38:32 UTC  

I wonT LEaVE UnTiLL SomOnE SaYS Hi TO ME >:C

2019-05-19 00:39:33 UTC  


2019-05-19 00:39:40 UTC  

everyone sleep right new

2019-05-19 00:39:40 UTC  

omg hi

2019-05-19 00:39:42 UTC  


2019-05-19 00:39:55 UTC  

ew sleep is for healthy people

2019-05-19 00:40:01 UTC  


2019-05-19 00:40:08 UTC  

I am getting ready for worl

2019-05-19 00:40:11 UTC  


2019-05-19 00:40:22 UTC  

o how old r u