Message from @ZuZu ^^
Discord ID: 579550743275503626
It was fun though
Had a lot of great mini games
And ebic 2000s pop
ebic gamer moment
8chan being rarted and won’t let me post
I mostly played mobile games, like pokemon
Pokémon on a mobile emulator?
I did that a lot
no, on ds/3ds
technically it still is mobile
Oh I had those too but as I got older just emulated on my phone
though still superior to phones and tablets
nowadays I don't really play anything, sometimes I'll play Clicker Heroes, Wizard101, and Roblox
why is Heart Gold so expensive
how much?
its like 70 bucks used without the case
welcome to life
its just that rare now i guess
I looked for a new copy with the case and its over 300 USD
Fuck me
I just triple posted same thread on 8 Chan because mobile posting is retsrded
I have both HG and SS, time to sell
Ahd I can’t delete them
I’m gonna get hella banned
<:dogge:578600063052546048> <:2niggaskissin:533866194772688917>
<:dogge:578600063052546048> <:2niggaskissin:533866194772688917>
because its discors