Message from @Sqörnghöglörn
Discord ID: 579552623867461648
<:dogge:578600063052546048> <:2niggaskissin:533866194772688917>
<:dogge:578600063052546048> <:2niggaskissin:533866194772688917>
because its discors
Discord machine broke
I'm not even on 4chan cause I'm working on a discord pfp
yo, homemade pfps are goat
technically it's for a server icon but not much of a difference
I made mine, bury pink
I play doom on my phone because i already completed all 1-3 gen pokemon games and nds emulator is lagging
I bought photoshop and need a reason to use it so if you guys ever want anything made I can make U it
I used to make mods with it and edit textures it’s why I don’t use Gimp
Cause no dds plug-in
i got photoshop for free
paint is the best
Paint 3d is the best
But its free so w/e
Source Development Kit is the best
You can make your own shitty half-life 2 mods with it
I wish I knew how to use sdk
1st one
First one
\both look like shit
I voted for second
did you make it in gimp
idek what gimp is