Message from @OG

Discord ID: 532923631785869332

2019-01-10 14:04:30 UTC  

men want good looking women

2019-01-10 14:04:36 UTC  

you can say that's shallow

2019-01-10 14:04:40 UTC  

but that's just selction

2019-01-10 14:04:57 UTC  

@GingerSnaps AWALT also affects me similarly but I just have to beat into myself that 1. Even if a nawalt exist, they would be hard to find and 2. The countries laws still exist with your nawalt. So I'm pretty much done with the idea. The MMN still nags at me a lot but I can see there isn't a point.

2019-01-10 14:05:05 UTC  

@Sigma depending on why it's either shallow or deep cause good looks and a good figure signal good genes for breeding.

2019-01-10 14:05:10 UTC  

it's how we're wired. High attraction and Social status are markers of being biologically fit

2019-01-10 14:05:28 UTC  

@GingerSnaps it will happen all over the place some of my biggest irl pills, we're in store lineups watching arguments or overhearing women talk to each other when they think no men are around (or don't care)

2019-01-10 14:05:31 UTC  

That's what i mean, from a biological standpoint and how mating is done

2019-01-10 14:05:42 UTC  

I don't see it as AWALT vs NAWALT, I see it as AWALT but some choose not to act on it

2019-01-10 14:05:49 UTC  

By definition if you found a true Nawalt you wouldnt have to care about laws

2019-01-10 14:06:13 UTC  

but god dayum how many are there really ? xD

2019-01-10 14:06:31 UTC  

men are viewed as success objects and women are viewed as beauty objects

2019-01-10 14:06:33 UTC  

Maybe, but it would still be in the back of my head personally.

2019-01-10 14:06:36 UTC  

There's a reason we call them unicorns. Unicorns don't exist...

2019-01-10 14:06:44 UTC  

we know that's all true and evident, but it's almost wrong to say it

2019-01-10 14:06:53 UTC  

@Gaarak I used to think that too but the reason it doesn't work practically is even a real Nawalt can be converted in 1 conversation with a toxic feminist friend

2019-01-10 14:07:16 UTC  

@Reaper Da true nawalt knows that feminism is full cancer

2019-01-10 14:07:26 UTC  

and then she will be corrupted by the BORG!

2019-01-10 14:07:42 UTC  

Borg were the NPCs of the 90s

2019-01-10 14:08:10 UTC  

all she did was sit on facebook binge netflix and watch jeffrey starr youtube videos. And i was the one that needed to wake up! I mean somehow she was still more woke and kind of red-pilled than me. But seriously she could have done so much better with her time while i was with her. She finally made sort of a success of herself after we broke up. She's assistant manager at the gas station i last worked at.

2019-01-10 14:08:15 UTC  
2019-01-10 14:08:19 UTC  

I have a theory, may power is scarce for most of the population, so we do whatever we can in order to gain personal power

2019-01-10 14:08:24 UTC  


2019-01-10 14:08:46 UTC  

I've noticed so many people chasing power, because it's like a drug

2019-01-10 14:08:50 UTC  

it's intoxicating

2019-01-10 14:08:53 UTC  

@Gaarak good point, but even a non feminist can find herself bored, and when society offers cash and prizes to restart her life, can you even blame her?

2019-01-10 14:08:59 UTC  

and often used irresponsibly

2019-01-10 14:09:25 UTC  

We don't have as much free will as we think we do

2019-01-10 14:09:38 UTC  

@Reaper yeah, by my definition if I ever found a Nawalt (not looking) I d try to convince her to live away from metropols

2019-01-10 14:10:11 UTC  

@Gaarak man you have gone down many of the same logical endgame as me

2019-01-10 14:10:33 UTC  

@Gaarak it's fucked to say it but you kind of have to isolate your women to make them good for you. Isolate them from society, family, and friends. At least in western countries.

2019-01-10 14:10:38 UTC  

If your country allows it given space, don't ever live in an inner city. That's where all the degenerates live. You don't even have to be rural, you can live in a suburb

2019-01-10 14:10:47 UTC  

Hey guys, I heard trump announced his super weapon and it left the Democrats Useless

2019-01-10 14:10:52 UTC  


2019-01-10 14:10:54 UTC  

@GingerSnaps She doesn't sound very red pilled to me. If she was, she would understand that she will start to have baby rabies soon and unless she wants to become miserable, she should settle down. But it's her life. The studies still show woman are happier when becoming domestic parasites, I mean wives...

2019-01-10 14:11:02 UTC  

Democrats weren't useless before?

2019-01-10 14:11:11 UTC  

@Gaarak although these woman most likely do not exist I will admit even as a mgtow, if a woman had the right upbringing and was down to transfer to rural living, I might still roll the dice

2019-01-10 14:11:18 UTC  

Those in charge are making all the important decisions for us. In any sort of relation, whoever has the power and control tends to make all the decisions, if they're responsibly, they try to appeal to the best interest of their faimilys, team, or whoever they support. If they're irresponsible with their power, it's only in their own interest

2019-01-10 14:11:25 UTC  

@Gaarak until she's truly yours it's no go for contact. THis is coming from a red-pill youtber.

2019-01-10 14:12:28 UTC  

In a way I think that society can only work propely on small scales ... villages and so on

2019-01-10 14:12:32 UTC  

Good news, trump says he shall build wall on the southern Border