Message from @Stan

Discord ID: 597630100409942045

2019-07-08 02:17:25 UTC  

Its a glass container

2019-07-08 02:17:30 UTC  

And its not wax

2019-07-08 02:17:32 UTC  

Its crumb

2019-07-08 02:19:12 UTC  


2019-07-08 02:27:58 UTC

2019-07-08 02:28:51 UTC  


2019-07-08 02:32:16 UTC  

yo wtf

2019-07-08 02:32:44 UTC  

people actually wear those butt plugs in a normal setting

2019-07-08 02:36:45 UTC  

Degenerates do

2019-07-08 02:40:07 UTC  

furries specifically

2019-07-08 02:41:49 UTC  

what's the best ramen flavour

2019-07-08 02:44:07 UTC  


2019-07-08 02:44:21 UTC  

Big brain niggas don’t use flavor and just put hot sauce on it

2019-07-08 02:45:42 UTC  

tough guys eat ramen without adding water to it

2019-07-08 02:53:50 UTC  

2019-07-08 02:54:11 UTC  

Best ramen is green bag

2019-07-08 02:54:15 UTC  

Chili ramen

2019-07-08 02:54:22 UTC  

Either that or chicken beef mixed

2019-07-08 02:59:40 UTC  

my fav are creamy/chicken, chili is my third fav

2019-07-08 03:28:22 UTC  

<:Thonk:512151852955992064> tf is creamy ramen

2019-07-08 03:28:39 UTC  

Ramen but creamy

2019-07-08 03:28:51 UTC  

creamy chicken

2019-07-08 03:29:44 UTC  

I ate so much god damned ramen as a kid, u still get a bit nauseous thinking about eating it again

2019-07-08 03:32:35 UTC

2019-07-08 03:36:12 UTC  

Dude why does minecraft have a crafting book

2019-07-08 03:37:00 UTC  

Back in de day. Werent no crafting book, had to look that shid up or figure it tf out <:fuckedpepe:514715778524774414>

2019-07-08 03:40:03 UTC  

I'm wondering when it added shields and horses

2019-07-08 04:01:18 UTC  

I think that was like. 1.13 or something

2019-07-08 04:01:48 UTC  

It was when they changed combat. Used to be whoever could spam m1 the fastest

2019-07-08 04:16:21 UTC  

I rejoined an old NSFW I was in, and majority of the members still haven't changed the nickname I gave them

2019-07-08 04:16:26 UTC  

that server is so ded

2019-07-08 04:17:53 UTC  


2019-07-08 04:20:28 UTC  

11 of the 136 people's whose name I changed reverted their name, so this is what you see

2019-07-08 04:24:52 UTC  

2019-07-08 04:28:59 UTC  


2019-07-08 04:43:56 UTC  

2019-07-08 04:44:29 UTC  

and they left

2019-07-08 04:44:29 UTC  


2019-07-08 05:06:16 UTC  

2019-07-08 05:06:40 UTC  

Yo, i dump your ass 🗿

2019-07-08 05:06:43 UTC  
