Message from @Oskar636
Discord ID: 288088034426093578
4 people got arrested
helmet mask
That was about it
@Wrathsalts I m8ght be interested is a western WA meet up, depending on day/time.
hey you guys made sure to check this place for bots right?
@Rivethead Don't be autistic
the #00 series (from #0000 to #0050, I think) is owned by discord's makers and used for bots that check out certain places for illegal activity and monitoring
Treat everything like it's beng monitored
yeah we might have lurking faggots anyways
I encourage everyone to join voicechat ASAP
that way you can be vetted and become an official member
fug it, let's try my microphone
It's a trap
Can anyone link me to where I can find an "Anti-Communist Action" shirt?
best respirator cartidge to get?
@everyone To all the new arrivals, welcome.
Hello all!
How do I vet myself?
Guys, I just want to add that the everyone tag messages even the people offline.
SG95 is aggressive for vetting
lol my vetting was rather normal.
Deal with it
it was easy tbh
if youre not a dirty commie
ok how do you get vetted
join voice chat
ill be with you shortly
you guys like neptune's pride? I'm hankering for a slow game we can play idly
I bought the game a while ago, so I can make as many as I want with whatever rules and everyone else can play for free
modern milsurp doesnt stop stabs
Stab proof shit
I need vetted
your best bet is ABS plastic sports gear
I feel so important now
steel plates