Message from @meow
Discord ID: 491795163199307782
the industrial revolution and its consequences etc etc
glasses like dis
Im not a full time anprim because surviving in an anprim society requires social interaction
I support burning down all architecture post industrial revolution
modernism and post modernism big gay
burn all modern art
shit is so gay
re fucking tweet
I agree
With both of you
cameras and planes are gay too
that’s about as far as i’ll go
"let me finger paint like a 2 year old and get money from rich kikes :---DDDDD"
i’m so deep : DDD
do you know what dadism is?
all the good art has been made
it’s like the worst form of modern art ever imo
dont try
Remember when art used to be art
And not doodles
and cameras ruin the aura of that old art because it’s becomes reproducible like modern art
look it up sometime it’s horrendous
Its horrible
this is literally
vaporwave/sadbois shit but like
100 years ago
Ancient vaporwave
that pic atleast
avant garde is mostly shit imo
except avant garde fashion