Message from @Deleted User
Discord ID: 491795859907018766
And not doodles
and cameras ruin the aura of that old art because it’s becomes reproducible like modern art
look it up sometime it’s horrendous
Its horrible
this is literally
vaporwave/sadbois shit but like
100 years ago
Ancient vaporwave
that pic atleast
avant garde is mostly shit imo
except avant garde fashion
s/o to rick owens
100 year old vapor wave
I am fighting capitalism : DDDD
and logic : DDD
this and the pic above it are literally the same
that was so spot on
in the amount of effort and thought
literally 100 year old vapor wave
there isnt really a cut off
for like
all bad art starts here
cus like
u had giovanni strazza
in the 1800's
w/ his amazing sculptures
and at the same time u had shit being made
yeah i mean tons of old art is shit. we just have the benefit of knowing what all the good stuff is now
like look at that
relatively modern