Message from @Deleted User
Discord ID: 493222486406725632
That looks cool
You havent played ace combat before?
Never heard of the franchise
Y'all ever played Killer7
Great game
Just really fucking artsy
I might get the Playstation 2 ace combat
Do you have a ps2?
Theyre only like $60
I still have mine from 2005. Ps2 slim
Need to get one to play Tekken 5
Use the component cable hookup
You can also emulate them on pc
I bought a ps2, some memory cards, some controllers, and games for like $120 off of Amazon
I have free mc boot memory card. I have ISOs streamed to it via network
Fun stuff
@Deleted User I'm saving up money to buy a synth, and maybe a guitar, and 120 bucks is a lot
A synthesizer?
Like an old one?
No, like a new one
I used to own a Yamaha dx7 and roland d50
Old ones cause up to a thousand bucks
I loved 80s shit
@Spencergasm fuck man
I wanna get me a roland TB 3, which is a reissue of the tb303
@Deleted User what kind of Guitar are you getting?
@Deleted User idk, probably some Peaveys from the 80s or a casino