Message from @Anti Corona Virus Suit Ragathor

Discord ID: 531721439275909129

2019-01-07 06:04:50 UTC  

I...don’t know whether you should drink water or not

2019-01-07 06:05:05 UTC  

Is it just a cough or does anything else in your body hurt?

2019-01-07 06:06:09 UTC  

Drinking water is probably a good idea

2019-01-07 06:11:13 UTC  

whew yeah my lungs burn lol

2019-01-07 06:11:17 UTC  

water helped a little

2019-01-07 06:13:02 UTC  

go to the hospital!

2019-01-07 06:13:24 UTC  

They dont see white people

2019-01-07 06:13:32 UTC  

Natives get pref treatment

2019-01-07 06:19:07 UTC  


2019-01-07 06:20:52 UTC  
2019-01-07 06:25:54 UTC  

rural alaska

2019-01-07 06:26:19 UTC  

People dont realize how racist it is here towards white people

2019-01-07 06:27:16 UTC  


2019-01-07 06:27:18 UTC  


2019-01-07 06:27:22 UTC  

How is it like?

2019-01-07 06:27:35 UTC  

Nice, I like the cold and bleakness

2019-01-07 06:27:41 UTC  

but fuck eskimos

2019-01-07 06:27:52 UTC  

fucking degenerate and nasty people

2019-01-07 06:28:22 UTC  


2019-01-07 06:28:32 UTC  

What are they like?

2019-01-07 06:31:10 UTC  

Drunks who feel entitled to everything

2019-01-07 06:31:16 UTC  

They never suffered like real natives

2019-01-07 06:32:14 UTC  

Imagine the black people stereotype

2019-01-07 06:32:26 UTC  

of being lazy thieving degenerates

2019-01-07 06:32:37 UTC  

And then realize that that actually applies to them

2019-01-07 06:32:46 UTC  

And that black people aren't that bad comparitive

2019-01-07 06:36:31 UTC  

injuns are the worst race hands down

2019-01-07 06:39:27 UTC  

We created an entire race whose existence is being the victim

2019-01-07 06:39:33 UTC  

Because we told them they were

2019-01-07 06:39:39 UTC  

We should have just wiped them out

2019-01-07 06:39:39 UTC  


2019-01-07 06:40:18 UTC  

Save everyone the hassle and save future generations from their inevitable alcoholism, child abuse and incest

2019-01-07 06:40:31 UTC

2019-01-07 06:49:37 UTC  


2019-01-07 06:49:42 UTC  

That kinda sucks

2019-01-07 06:49:47 UTC  

Do you plan on moving?

2019-01-07 06:49:56 UTC  


2019-01-07 06:50:07 UTC  

You make a lot of money here

2019-01-07 06:50:12 UTC  

And I dont have to pay bills

2019-01-07 06:50:15 UTC  

so I am just saving