Message from @Tatsumaki
Discord ID: 532380092442083339
In ya know GOD OF WAR
that new metro game is also coming out this year
Am i the only one who has noticed every console generation Sony’s exclusives follow the same exact format?
Heck I want the new Metro
It used to be 3D platforming and collecting red orbs with furries
Now its action packed single player games with boring climbing where the camera is right behind the players head
tfw we will never get bloodborne 2
Im tired of the souls series
Im glad Sekiro is being more lax and actiony like other games ( bayonetta dmc etc.)
i never really liked dark souls but bloodborne is just fun
I like Dark better than Blood for the customization aspect
Also you just had more options in dark
i liked bloodbornes combat and level design more than the minor downgrades in build options
🆙 | **Bran leveled up!**
I love dark 1’s level design (that was never brought back) and how it was all coherently placed and looped back around blood did it a little bit but not to the grand extent of ds1
i liked bloodbornes level design because it was like demons souls the only game by fromsoft that no one remembers
well the only souls game
@SigBussey How is that sketchbook thing you mentioned?
Ive beaten all of them multiple times except demons
I should probably play demons tho
Also @Deleted User I am absolutely terrible at drawing hair/heads lmao
It's a very popular application to use for drawing
I really need some practice time
Start drawin hair and heads
I'd reccomend a cheap drawing tablet to use with Sketchbook. Drawing with a mouse is shit
I really want to get into drawing stuff
Idk id recommend using sketchbooks using physical paper helps you incorporate and live with your mistakes
@SigBussey recommend me a drawing tablet
Theres a trap in ds1 with snake weiners
I'm still looking. I saw one on amazon for $30 but some reviews are great and some are horrible
I might tey Target because my mom has a credit card there so I can do payments
Gwyndolin is a bitch
Smavk his booty with a 🅱aemore
If you want to draw on a screen you could get a microsoft surface pro 3 its like $200 but its worth it