Message from @Anti Corona Virus Suit Ragathor

Discord ID: 557730358242574357

2019-03-20 00:18:44 UTC  

i'll have to use for real methods

2019-03-20 00:18:49 UTC  


2019-03-20 00:30:15 UTC  

RIP I was about to ask for your new @

2019-03-20 00:32:19 UTC  

gonna need a fren to make a google voice # for me

2019-03-20 00:32:21 UTC  

or im F

2019-03-20 00:35:40 UTC  

I can do it I've got hella VPNs I ban dodge on second life I know all about this shit I can make you one

2019-03-20 00:36:18 UTC  

pls do

2019-03-20 00:37:08 UTC  

alright coming right up

I heard google voice numbers werent working for some peeps what habbened with that?

2019-03-20 00:38:08 UTC  


2019-03-20 00:42:31 UTC  

gonna go to the store and see if they have any mothafuckin coke orange-vanilla

2019-03-20 00:42:33 UTC  

i wanna try it

2019-03-20 00:44:27 UTC  

It's interesting

2019-03-20 00:52:33 UTC  

when you get back your google voice number is waiting in DMs @Eris

2019-03-20 00:53:46 UTC  

@J.P. make me one too so i dont have to keep using shitty 2mbps ones from japan

2019-03-20 00:53:49 UTC  


2019-03-20 00:55:20 UTC  

OK see the only problem with that is I just used my only other spare US SIM to verify that google voice account

so I'm shit out of luck on that front

2019-03-20 00:56:02 UTC  

Lol f

2019-03-20 00:56:30 UTC  

there are pay services you can get if you're willing to spend the coin

google are massive cunts wanting verification for everything

cell number for this cell number for that DATA MINING JEWISH CUNTS

2019-03-20 00:57:04 UTC  


2019-03-20 00:58:35 UTC  

I'm probably going to get b& soon enough its been 6 months on this account 1 strike out of 3

when I do get banned I'll pay for a virtual number service and you can all have as many numbers as you like

but for now I aint forking out for that

2019-03-20 01:01:19 UTC  

how are you guys getting strikes

2019-03-20 01:02:25 UTC  

there are 3 strikes on twitter.....1 is a 12 hour lock, next is a 7 day one and the last is forever.

you can do something big and get yeeted in one go....but generally speaking its as above

2019-03-20 01:05:37 UTC  

You guys and your clever shitposting

2019-03-20 01:05:59 UTC  

I haven't invested enough in twitter fights to get reported

2019-03-20 01:08:06 UTC  

Well I'm not as argumentative or controversial as some of my frens on twitter.

I generally only reply to frens on twitter and post my own tweets and obfuscate racial or bannable language.

2019-03-20 01:08:21 UTC  

this has kept my account alive 6 or 8 months now?

2019-03-20 01:08:23 UTC  

not too shabby

2019-03-20 01:08:38 UTC  

its an account from 2016 but I only started using it late last year

2019-03-20 01:17:41 UTC  

I;ve had the same account for like 5 years

2019-03-20 01:20:51 UTC  

They key is to pretend to be stupid

2019-03-20 01:21:04 UTC  

Say what you want, but fuck it up sonehow

2019-03-20 01:45:34 UTC  

@J.P. lol second life griefing was the best. Is the shooped life client still a thing?

2019-03-20 01:45:47 UTC  

Is second life still a thing?

2019-03-20 01:46:01 UTC  

So much fun trolling there.

2019-03-20 01:46:12 UTC  

Terrible ass game

2019-03-20 01:48:21 UTC  

40-50k logged in at any given time and about half a million daily total maybe more.

very much still a thing though definitely not as big as it was.

Its a fun place to hang theres lots of edgy shit still going on but nothing as fun as the old days

shooped life and the nigras are very much retired but I co-develop another copybot viewer which is pretty much the same as shooped life with more features.

2019-03-20 01:50:32 UTC  

and it is terrible not because of the community though some aspects are certainly cancer

It is terrible because the dev and owner of SL linden lab has mishandled it for well over a decade now with no end in sight.

SL residents are very creative theres well over the size of a few countries worth of land, worlds, objejcts and creations ALL created by residents

2019-03-20 01:50:40 UTC  

which still fascinates me

2019-03-20 02:43:54 UTC  

oof that took forever

2019-03-20 02:54:29 UTC  

7/11 is 2 miles away

2019-03-20 02:54:41 UTC  

had to carry two liter bottles of soda with my weak girl arms