Message from @Eris
Discord ID: 559214152854405132
Late 90s early 2000s were peak america imo
Racism was pretty much done, no one gave a shit about queers and everything was comfy
oh shit its motherfucking fatty bear's birthday surprise
Happy bday bear
putt putt saves the zoo was epic
I accidentally leaked my irl twittee
that was the first game my son completed when he was 5
we played it together on my windows 98 laptop
omg rag fucking ripperooo
I only have one tweeder that isnt my company's
I fucking liked ur tweet
Like a retart
Its all over
its funny
because my dad calls my 5 yr old little sister "baby zoomer" and i dont think he knows what zoomer is
What is the gen after z
Its like they were planned to be the last gen
Lawful good gang
gold dragon bloodline paladin of shelyn
valerie wifu
The main story alone is 60-80 hours
Im at like 120 rn and not even done with season of bloom
@Eris what are you playing you slut
@Anti Corona Virus Suit Ragathor im a mix between chaotic neutral and lawful evil lol
She is a paladin
Imagine not playing a slut
Easy money
Cool gear
Its a win win
Paladins arent sluts
They are chaste
Kot is banned from all d and d games >:(
No slutting for gear
That's a healers natural job
Kot will be forced to only play dwarves