Message from @Anti Corona Virus Suit Ragathor
Discord ID: 559254563597582366
Rag gonna get feminized
It's happening
Heh I am follow unfollow spamming
Message sent
Eris can see what a normie I am
v normie
>tfw chad through all of high school
>tfw became failed chad as soon as graduating
Im also insanely popular with fat tumblr girls
Im ugly enough for them to think they stand a chance
@Anti Corona Virus Suit Ragathor you really like those pepe images
I have autism what can i say
I have about 1000 apus saved on my computer
apu is the best
And amazement at the world
he's really a masterfully created meme
very representative of the light side 4chan ethos
Why is he blue though
why not
a daba de
hey bro
whats up
I had a day
wanna pass out
though I was an idiot and drank some coffee
so I can't sleep
The worst feeling
sleep is for losers anyway
Freed you better get yours
I'm gonna be really busy tomorrow