Message from @Bear
Discord ID: 619009251616096276
will I feel feels
depends on the route
i felt the feels but thats also cuz i project a lot onto character similar to me
~~theres a depressed asian girl in it thats super into books which i relate to a bit too much~~
Hanako is over rated
This post brought to you by rin gang
is there a wheelchair girl
google it fgt
I want to protect her
ill fight you
i will protecc hanako with my life
she is precious and must be defended
Is she a wheelchair girl
depressed asian gril
i relate to hanako and i want to preotect her
Rin, lilly=shizune, Akira=Miki, Emi, Hanako
but rin is very good i love her
If my internet cuts out one more time im going to comcast HQ and im gonna make columbine look like a fuckin joke
Can u even shoot a gun
i am an expert at gun fu
I've got sips tonight frens
Yattah I did the back thing guys
Am a shift leader nowwww
proud of u