Message from @Anti Corona Virus Suit Ragathor
Discord ID: 620354506177380386
idk how ill get a new account
You need a phone number right?
Maybe get a firertc number
I made an account with just email well see how long it lasts
Good luck
what even is MAP
<:AAA:580165279435325472> <:AAA:580165279435325472> <:AAA:580165279435325472>
aw shit
In layman's terms, a pedophile
>google covering up information about pedophiles with drump shit
An era in one image.
Nomap brings results
Like let's be real, *map* isn't tied to pedos as much as they are to navigation
@Anti Corona Virus Suit Ragathor look at this rich nigga
I grinded lesser rock elemental
thats so much grindan
you fuckers playing EVE online aka spreadsheets the game?
gay, I need people to play with
play wow with us you nigger
Dats rasis
that's a word
saying kill a nigger is raycis
kill a nigger
that's raycis
got me laughing like a retard
you have been blessed by the quagsire of racism