Message from @Natalie 🗿

Discord ID: 650286615922737152

2019-11-30 10:08:03 UTC  

NNN is almost over

2019-11-30 10:08:31 UTC  

Destroy dick december

2019-11-30 10:08:33 UTC  

I'm ready

2019-11-30 10:08:35 UTC  

I've trained

2019-11-30 10:08:49 UTC  

Destroy dick eternity

2019-11-30 10:08:52 UTC  

It's called the pink pill

2019-11-30 10:09:11 UTC

2019-11-30 10:09:18 UTC  

best outfit in the game.

2019-11-30 10:09:22 UTC  

it provides feet

2019-11-30 10:09:31 UTC  


2019-11-30 10:11:15 UTC  

How the fk do I have 20 tinder likes

2019-11-30 10:11:19 UTC  

Am I that attractive

2019-11-30 10:11:24 UTC  

It hasnt even been 24 hrs

2019-11-30 10:11:32 UTC  

This some kind of joke

2019-11-30 10:11:40 UTC  

An epic yoke made by god

2019-11-30 10:15:31 UTC  

tinder sucks cock here lmao

2019-11-30 10:17:22 UTC  

15 bots 4 free meals 1 fishing

2019-11-30 10:39:35 UTC  

I'll give a girl a free meal for a free bj

2019-11-30 10:46:36 UTC  

the free meal is cum

2019-11-30 10:46:50 UTC  

i'll do it

2019-11-30 11:05:47 UTC  

>female twilek companion has a shock collar that I can shock her with if she acts up

2019-11-30 11:05:51 UTC  

whew boy

2019-11-30 12:12:47 UTC  

>kill sithlord

2019-11-30 12:12:53 UTC  

>wife thanks me and wants to bang

2019-11-30 12:13:01 UTC  

>sends her son away

2019-11-30 12:13:13 UTC  

>Make my twi'lek watch as I bang prime sith milf cunny

2019-11-30 12:13:18 UTC  

why is this game so fucking based

2019-11-30 12:19:22 UTC  

I was always nice to Vette tbh

2019-11-30 12:19:50 UTC  

I always saw her as my Sith Lord's limiter. You can play darkside and keep her on your good side the entire game. She was the ideal companion.

2019-11-30 12:20:30 UTC  

Also a master having a romantic relationship with their apprentice breaks from sith tradition. Although the rule of two obviously hasn't been instituted yet, it is still tradition that sith apprentices will eventually overcome and destroy their masters.

2019-11-30 12:20:47 UTC  

So Vette is clearly the ideal waifu.

2019-11-30 12:21:41 UTC  

Plus, Darth Malgus's wife was a Twi'lek slave he rescued.

2019-11-30 12:22:29 UTC  

Sith don't just act on negative emotions, but all emotions, including love, and sometimes righteousness. Jedi reject emotions entirely.

2019-11-30 12:25:40 UTC  

Also Vette is into BDSM.

2019-11-30 14:51:41 UTC  

2 hours remain until the worlds biggest coom

2019-11-30 15:36:05 UTC  

It is after Thanksgiving.

Pavi is a go

2019-11-30 16:58:09 UTC  

2 minutes until I coom.

2019-11-30 16:58:56 UTC  

1 minute until I coom.