Message from @alice
Discord ID: 672654307924901890
Hello and welcome <@!670890884249681939> Please fill out the <#671832099816472640>
@alice Literally who
Welcome Jasmine
Can I just stay, i'll be quiet.
Remember to fill out the <#671832099816472640>
1. Age: 19
2. Sex: Female
3. Race: South American Native
3.: Religion: Catholic
4. Country: Brazil
5. Political Ideology: Clerical Fascism
6. Definition of Fascism: I need to be understood with acts, not words.
7. Opinions of: Alt-Right, Donald Trump, The USA, Capitalism, Jews, White Nationalism: Many forms of cancer.
8. What books you've read to shape your views: Tao Te Chin, Bible and Plutarch.
9. Are you physically active: Yeah.
10. Have you ever had a girlfriend: X
11. Where you got the invite: /soc/
(I ask only to stay, I'll stay quiet)
>6. Definition of Fascism: I need to be understood with acts, not words
Can you elaborate? You can't define fascism with words?
Fascism can be better defined by actions than by vain ideologies.
But if I need to define with three words, it would be: "Unity, Struggle, Volk"
You don't necessarily need to define fascism by confining it to an ideology. Just define it in your own words
Do you mean racial unity?
So the law of Duhkha?
So you are a ethno-nationalist?
I mean the unity of the people, including language, race, customs, aspirations, legends, religion, goals...
I see
Struggle create meaning, it should never be vain.
Volk it's the people, in the unity sense.
Why Christianity?
What is your opinion on Pope Francis?
One does not understand fascism opposing the faith of your land.
Would you like to bring back the oath against modernism?
Francis is a coward.
The Church is to be Holy, neither modern neither ancient, but transcendent.
To follow materialism and it's tendencies not the path of God.
So do you believe that the Catholic Church is the one true church of Christianity, created by Jesus and His Apostles?
Church mean reunion, the Church is the eternal assembly of all that follow God.
The Catholic Church is the church of my people.
What is your opinion on modern Jews?
Materialism made flesh, but Lehi deserve it's due respect.
What exactly are things Francis has done you consider cowardly, specifically
He didn't stand when media twist his words.
Do you agree with the letter calling him a heretic?
I don't involve myself with Church politics, but follow God.
I know it's not the right place for me.
@alice if you're native why do you follow the Catholic Church? Shouldn't you follow one of your native deities, instead of one that was imposed on you?
Because the Catholic faith was never imposed by the Portuguese, but it was presented and chosen by them.
Brazil is not Hispanic.
So you'd rather follow a foreign religion?