Message from @alice

Discord ID: 672653616934551564

2020-01-31 03:07:33 UTC  
2020-01-31 03:07:38 UTC  

And what is she

2020-01-31 03:07:48 UTC  

No clue.

2020-01-31 03:08:08 UTC  

This color looks good on me.

2020-01-31 03:11:09 UTC  

If you race mix you will burn in hell for all eternity

2020-01-31 03:15:45 UTC  

@nine How do you not know

2020-01-31 03:16:53 UTC  

2020-01-31 03:17:34 UTC  


2020-01-31 03:17:56 UTC  

Motherfucker wouldn't admit he was a filthy race traitor

2020-01-31 03:36:08 UTC  

2020-01-31 03:36:36 UTC  

Hello and welcome <@!670890884249681939> Please fill out the <#671832099816472640>

2020-01-31 03:37:10 UTC  

2020-01-31 03:59:24 UTC  

2020-01-31 03:59:45 UTC  

@alice Literally who

2020-01-31 03:59:48 UTC  

Welcome Jasmine

2020-01-31 04:00:03 UTC  

Can I just stay, i'll be quiet.

2020-01-31 04:00:03 UTC  

Remember to fill out the <#671832099816472640>

2020-01-31 04:02:25 UTC  

1. Age: 19
2. Sex: Female
3. Race: South American Native
3.: Religion: Catholic
4. Country: Brazil
5. Political Ideology: Clerical Fascism
6. Definition of Fascism: I need to be understood with acts, not words.
7. Opinions of: Alt-Right, Donald Trump, The USA, Capitalism, Jews, White Nationalism: Many forms of cancer.
8. What books you've read to shape your views: Tao Te Chin, Bible and Plutarch.
9. Are you physically active: Yeah.
10. Have you ever had a girlfriend: X
11. Where you got the invite: /soc/
(I ask only to stay, I'll stay quiet)

2020-01-31 04:03:49 UTC  

>6. Definition of Fascism: I need to be understood with acts, not words
Can you elaborate? You can't define fascism with words?

2020-01-31 04:04:35 UTC  

Fascism can be better defined by actions than by vain ideologies.

2020-01-31 04:05:19 UTC  

But if I need to define with three words, it would be: "Unity, Struggle, Volk"

2020-01-31 04:05:25 UTC  

You don't necessarily need to define fascism by confining it to an ideology. Just define it in your own words

2020-01-31 04:05:57 UTC  

Do you mean racial unity?
So the law of Duhkha?
So you are a ethno-nationalist?

2020-01-31 04:06:28 UTC  

I mean the unity of the people, including language, race, customs, aspirations, legends, religion, goals...

2020-01-31 04:06:49 UTC  

I see

2020-01-31 04:07:20 UTC  

Struggle create meaning, it should never be vain.

2020-01-31 04:07:32 UTC  

Volk it's the people, in the unity sense.

2020-01-31 04:07:39 UTC  


2020-01-31 04:07:42 UTC  


2020-01-31 04:07:46 UTC  

Why Christianity?

2020-01-31 04:08:04 UTC  

It's the religion of my people, it has always been.

2020-01-31 04:08:34 UTC  

What is your opinion on Pope Francis?

2020-01-31 04:08:39 UTC  

One does not understand fascism opposing the faith of your land.

2020-01-31 04:08:45 UTC  

Would you like to bring back the oath against modernism?

2020-01-31 04:08:45 UTC  

Francis is a coward.

2020-01-31 04:09:13 UTC  

The Church is to be Holy, neither modern neither ancient, but transcendent.

2020-01-31 04:10:16 UTC  

To follow materialism and it's tendencies not the path of God.

2020-01-31 04:10:22 UTC  

So do you believe that the Catholic Church is the one true church of Christianity, created by Jesus and His Apostles?

2020-01-31 04:11:00 UTC  

Church mean reunion, the Church is the eternal assembly of all that follow God.

2020-01-31 04:11:13 UTC  

The Catholic Church is the church of my people.

2020-01-31 04:11:21 UTC  

What is your opinion on modern Jews?