Message from @TheGhostAgent

Discord ID: 652550787737845782

2019-12-06 16:20:08 UTC  


2019-12-06 16:20:20 UTC  

Let's make it 30 million before we celebrate too hard

2019-12-06 16:20:30 UTC  

Also border catapults now please

2019-12-06 16:20:55 UTC  

3.6% unemployment. at or below structural unemployment. no shortage of work.

2019-12-06 16:21:31 UTC  

wage growth above 3% per annum. it only gets better the more illegals get deported.

2019-12-06 16:28:39 UTC  

We need to wrap this up, I live in the Southeast and they multiply like rabbits. Everywhere you go they have five kids in towe and a pregnant wife about to pop another out. They don't mind living 15 people to a two-bedroom apartment, they can afford to outbreed us.

2019-12-06 16:30:42 UTC  

Why 30M? Just remove all welfare BS and shift the $ back to taxpayers or veterans who have actually lost limbs, etc

2019-12-06 16:31:24 UTC  

That's part of it, but ice needs to be quadrupled in size and given more authority to override safe sanctuaries.

2019-12-06 16:31:54 UTC  

They need to look like Warhammer 40K astarte's Legions running through a city

2019-12-06 16:32:31 UTC  


2019-12-06 16:33:35 UTC  

In the Bright Sunshine of the Near Future, there is only Deportations...

2019-12-06 16:42:24 UTC  

This line in the article tho... But critics say the moves will hurt poor Americans.

“This is an unacceptable escalation of the administration’s war on working families, and it comes during a time when too many are forced to stretch already-thin budgets to make ends meet,” said Rep. Marcia Fudge, an Ohio Democrat.

2019-12-06 16:42:56 UTC  

If they're working, they should have $ for food, unless they're not working....

2019-12-06 16:42:57 UTC  

What is hurting Working Families, what is she referencing?

2019-12-06 16:43:18 UTC  

Our obesity/overweight population is 30%/60% respectively in the US

2019-12-06 16:43:20 UTC  

Oh the subsidies, yeah they can get fucked

2019-12-06 16:43:22 UTC  

We don't have a fing starvation problem

2019-12-06 16:43:28 UTC  

We have a TOO MUCH FOOD problem

2019-12-06 16:43:48 UTC  

I used to work in HUD all across the nation. Poor people are doing just fine

2019-12-06 16:43:51 UTC  

Can't have it both ways

2019-12-06 16:44:27 UTC  

I used to volunteer at a community center for 2 yrs, volunteered in a nonprofit, and ran progs in literal projects. They were living lives more lavishly than I was

2019-12-06 16:44:36 UTC  

They don't work, they have subsidized housing with brand-new utilities have to pay for a meal. They're all on drugs, alcoholics and have no intention of changing that

2019-12-06 16:44:45 UTC  

So this whole fing starving nonsense is BS.

2019-12-06 16:45:09 UTC  

Pretty much. I got redpilled by trying to help the communities

2019-12-06 16:45:16 UTC  

These people are Cradle to grave leeches

2019-12-06 16:45:17 UTC  

And I gave up

2019-12-06 16:48:38 UTC  

You can't help them as long as we keep giving them everything

2019-12-06 16:49:17 UTC  

The black HUD neighborhoods were the worst. By age 8 the kids are already trying to be gangsters

2019-12-06 16:49:35 UTC  

Aye yo dat nigga be snitchin an sheeeeeeeit

2019-12-06 16:55:35 UTC  

The operative word in working-class is *working*. The left seems incapable of absorbing this as though everyone without a post-grad falls into the same murky category. And so they say silly things like 'Bernie can win the working class'. The man has never created a job and does not even campaign on being able to. To my knowledge he has not even uttered the word jobs on the debate stage.

2019-12-06 17:24:05 UTC  

He's such a loser that Snopes has to cover for him

2019-12-06 17:25:11 UTC  

TBF: Ok, he DID win the capitalism game, ironically enough.

2019-12-06 17:27:06 UTC  

does that say more about him or capitalism tho

2019-12-06 17:27:56 UTC  

Lol Bernie

2019-12-06 17:28:01 UTC  

It says here's plenty at the buffet table of capitalism for everyone.

2019-12-06 17:31:24 UTC  

If we want to get rid of Bernie we could just make him use Medicare only. No private insurance (because he bans it in his plan). He won't last long when they say"sorry, heart surgery quota is full, try again in six months"

2019-12-06 17:33:46 UTC  

In his plan, it's straight up socialism. You HAVE to wait until the government gets around to allowing your surgery. All private practice and insurance would be illegal. Stepping out of line and paying a surgeon to save your life would be a felony.

2019-12-06 17:35:25 UTC  

I'd kinda like a direct quote or citation on that last bit