Message from @Omar_The_OMAP

Discord ID: 652635774260477953

2019-12-06 20:35:39 UTC  


2019-12-06 20:50:29 UTC  

Denny Heck is retiring this cycle

2019-12-06 21:02:47 UTC  

He's basically retiring because of the discord he's helped create but w/e

2019-12-06 21:24:40 UTC  

I believe absolutely nothing Israel says lmao

2019-12-06 21:25:41 UTC  

i think thats a wise decision lol

2019-12-06 21:26:43 UTC  

"Our greatest ally"

2019-12-06 21:26:47 UTC  

Who is "our"

2019-12-06 21:27:20 UTC  

i mean theres just so many instances

2019-12-06 21:43:28 UTC  

Woooooahhh what did I just walk into ?

2019-12-06 21:43:31 UTC  

Uh based

2019-12-06 21:43:38 UTC  

*dabs on em*

2019-12-06 21:43:52 UTC  


2019-12-06 21:46:29 UTC  

I’m gonna get out of here while you’re discussing espionage and the International Jewish Lobby including AIPAC because i just wanna make it clear *IM TOTALLY NOT SPEAKING OUT AGAINST THE ISRAELIS* because I would like to be employed in the future. 😉

2019-12-06 21:48:20 UTC  

I would just add that Bob Iger is a wealthy Jewish man who owns Disney, ABCnews is a subsidiary of Disney, and ABCnews crushed the Jeffrey Epstein story, you know, the Jewish Billionaire Sex Trafficker who sold information to foreign government? The one who didn’t kill himself.

2019-12-06 21:48:27 UTC  

You all remember that guy?

2019-12-06 21:51:46 UTC  

did you know that jeffrey epstein was a member of the trilateral commission

2019-12-06 21:52:12 UTC  


2019-12-06 22:20:26 UTC  

Governor: Pensacola shooter was Saudi aviation student

2019-12-06 22:21:33 UTC  

>Very unfortunate
>Wait, what are the suspects' names?
>Jarius and Ladaja


2019-12-06 22:22:03 UTC  

HOLY SHIT that dude is WIDE

2019-12-06 22:22:34 UTC  

They beat him over a fucking Parking Spot

2019-12-06 22:22:44 UTC  

Some people just cannot function in society

2019-12-06 22:23:08 UTC  

Why do 'certain people' overreact and have to be so Extra over stupid Shit

2019-12-06 22:23:46 UTC  

White people (excepting a few) don't typically beat each other to death over accidentally stepping into a parking spot

2019-12-06 22:26:34 UTC  

Having gone to public school (One in a district that was 50-40-10, and is now closer to 60-25-15 (Black/White/Latino in respective order)) Black people act so extra all the fucking time. I can't count on one hand the amount of times Black Girls would start Screeching at each other over stupid shit then when the aggressor walks away the recipient continues to mouth off for a good 30 minutes about how the other person needs to "let that shit go cuz I'm over it already" (despite continuing for another half hour)

2019-12-06 22:30:55 UTC  

@FitnessByHeatherHeyer I dunno about not trusting anything Israel says, their paper, Haaretz, seems honest enough about their actions. However I can guarantee you one thinh remains true without fail.

2019-12-06 22:31:12 UTC  

If Netanyahu says something in English, its a lie.

2019-12-06 22:35:11 UTC  

cant she just have a seizure already?

2019-12-06 22:36:12 UTC  

@Omar_The_OMAP. Odd way to say this "Neither has any prior criminal history in North Carolina, other than drug charges against Barnes last year, according to records.".

2019-12-06 22:37:50 UTC  

because if the drug charges weren't violent, then who fucking cares

2019-12-06 22:38:08 UTC  

drug war is a fucking disgrace

2019-12-06 22:51:35 UTC  

Lol Pelosi

2019-12-06 22:54:31 UTC  

I very much agree that the drug war is a waste of time and money, and it hurts people alot more then it helps.

2019-12-06 22:59:18 UTC  

Apparently we learned nothing from the prohibition era

2019-12-06 23:00:17 UTC  

Stopping ppl from partaking in vice like lifestyles makes it all the more novel and creates more resentment and crime?! Imagine my SHOCK

2019-12-06 23:00:38 UTC  

yeah, stop prosecuting people selling and trafficking fentaynl, it's not hurting people, it just kills them.

2019-12-06 23:01:07 UTC  

and if that is the person's choice knowing full well what the drug does to them?

2019-12-06 23:01:21 UTC  
