Message from @ARockRaider

Discord ID: 653462725556568065

2019-12-09 04:54:18 UTC  

I and @UnScottable will be the better men than you, from that quote, and keep freedom moving

2019-12-09 04:55:34 UTC  

you think so?

2019-12-09 04:56:40 UTC  

Unless you wish to join us and fight in whatever sphere it may be, political, online, meme warfare, to push back this tide of communism that threatens your liberty and freedom. Yes unless you fight with us, yes

2019-12-09 04:57:06 UTC  

Every conversation is a fight for the future of the country, you can start there

2019-12-09 04:57:15 UTC  

show me the battle line that i can fight on, because I am not able to fight with words.

2019-12-09 04:59:28 UTC  

There are many fronts of this war, the demographic front, the propaganda front, the economical front, the political front, the meme front, the cultural front. Lend your support to the cause against socialism wherever you go

2019-12-09 05:01:15 UTC  

on the cultural front, be an example of what a right winger should be. Workout and get fit, dress nicely. Be polite but stern in your political beliefs. The example each one of us make in the outside world on that front is integral to our long run success

2019-12-09 05:01:21 UTC  
2019-12-09 05:01:24 UTC  

You too

2019-12-09 05:01:50 UTC  

and also

2019-12-09 05:01:54 UTC  

buy a gun

2019-12-09 05:01:56 UTC  


2019-12-09 05:02:10 UTC  

for purely recreational purposes

2019-12-09 05:02:15 UTC  

well i'm unlikely to reproduce so that is the demographic front.
I just said i can't fight with words so that is the meme and propaganda front, I also think that is the political front.
~~I don't have a clue what you mean by cultural front.~~
and I won't be makeing enough to do more then support myself for the forseable future.

2019-12-09 05:02:50 UTC  

and on top of all that i know I have something wrong in my head.

2019-12-09 05:04:22 UTC  

With the recent shooting of the naval academy graduate josh, you should always be prepared and make sure you have a concealed carry on you.

This is not just to protect you, do not be selfish.

This is to protect those around you who do not know any better. You must be the guardian of your local Walmart ect ect. You need to be the one who is prepared to defend

2019-12-09 05:04:56 UTC  

if a shooting happens, you need to be ready to defend the people around you

2019-12-09 05:05:41 UTC  

my chosen job makes it unlawfull for me to have such a weapon, I am also much to paranoid to keep one on me against the law.

2019-12-09 05:07:07 UTC  

Fair enough. Then you must fight on the cultural front. Be an outstanding citizen where you can and show the world why they should join us

2019-12-09 05:07:28 UTC  

Or just bringing up conversations like this, this helps

2019-12-09 05:07:34 UTC  

doubt that will happen, don't have the personality for that.

2019-12-09 05:08:20 UTC  

do not be down on yourself, I’m sure you would be surprised what you can do if you just pushed yourself a little out of your comfort zone

2019-12-09 05:08:37 UTC  

when the time comes, take the step out

2019-12-09 05:10:39 UTC  

what ever that means.

2019-12-09 05:12:12 UTC  

might help if i knew of a place i could go with likeminded people.

2019-12-09 05:12:34 UTC  

Your local republican campaign office

2019-12-09 05:12:46 UTC  

Every city has one

2019-12-09 05:13:22 UTC  

BS, the republican party has very little intrest in freedom, they just want to get invited to the nice parties the dems throw.

2019-12-09 05:14:10 UTC  

they fought against Trump as hard as they have ever fought against any Dem

2019-12-09 05:14:21 UTC  

Some are bad eggs, but regardless, that is a meeting spot, you think everyone there is a total conservative, no

2019-12-09 05:18:20 UTC  

what would i even do at such a place?

2019-12-09 05:18:30 UTC  

i'm not really a leave home and hang out kind of person.

2019-12-09 05:21:19 UTC  

anyhow, it's late and i get cranky when i'm tired so i'm gonna head to bed.

2019-12-09 05:21:50 UTC  

It’s about becoming a part of a movement. Purpose is found along the way, not before

2019-12-09 05:22:10 UTC  

I hope you have a goodnight

2019-12-09 05:38:51 UTC  

@Gaylien lmao, we have enough Diversity, thank you

2019-12-09 05:39:33 UTC  

TL;DR: Fuck Off, We're Full

2019-12-09 05:45:34 UTC  

@Omar_The_OMAP you don’t want to be culturally enriched?

2019-12-09 05:46:06 UTC  

Matt Walsh did a stupid.

2019-12-09 05:46:23 UTC  

We have enough enrichment already

2019-12-09 05:46:45 UTC  

Porn is a Sin