Message from @ARockRaider

Discord ID: 653975457968029736

2019-12-10 14:43:27 UTC  

Dems shooting themselves in the foot, again

2019-12-10 14:43:41 UTC  

This is doing nothing except driving more people to the right

2019-12-10 14:44:53 UTC  

To paraphrase something that I believe Ronald Reagan said "I didn't leave the Democrat Party, the Democrat Party left me"

2019-12-10 14:53:28 UTC  

I think the effect of 'pushing people to the right' is highly overstated. As is the Charisma that Trump's supporters think Trump has.

2019-12-10 14:55:14 UTC  

I can see that (about pushing peole right). One faction of the Democrat Party is in such a rush to push further left, they are leaving some of their elected Democrats, and many of their voters behind.

2019-12-10 14:57:13 UTC  

Yeah, but those people aren't suddenly becoming Republicans. Any person worth their salt isn't going to be like: "Ah well some idiots are mean now, guess my politics are undergoing a full paradigm shift"

2019-12-10 14:57:53 UTC  

It's not like the Republicans are suddenly the party of liberals just cause there's a bunch of screechers in the Democratic party.

2019-12-10 14:58:50 UTC  

True, they are not necessarily becoming card carrying Republicans, but are becoming independents. Which means they are suddenly going to be looking at the actual candidates, their positions, when they decide to cast a vote. They will be less likely to vote the straight Democrat ticket.

2019-12-10 14:59:19 UTC  

And that offers Trump and other Republican candidates the opportunity to get their vote

2019-12-10 14:59:28 UTC  

That's true.

2019-12-10 14:59:55 UTC  

But most people still know what they believe in.

2019-12-10 15:00:23 UTC  

And if there is no candidate that represents them, I reckon most just won't vote.

2019-12-10 15:00:50 UTC  

The last election wasn't a good example of this, because it was literally the Buffoon who will make nothing happen versus Countess Dracula.

2019-12-10 15:01:45 UTC  

I would argue that if you don't know if you are voteing for Trump or not yet you really shouldn't vote because you don't really care that much.
assumeing that something big doesn't change between now and then.

2019-12-10 15:02:25 UTC  

You will have voters in the local races see one candidate who wants to give everything away fom free (a fiction) and Medicare for All (including undocumented workers) and see the other candidate running on some sane "common sense" ideas that the voters agrees with...who will they cast their ballot for?

2019-12-10 15:02:47 UTC  

Trump has made alot happen, it's the rest of his party not backing him up because they think he is mean or something.

2019-12-10 15:03:15 UTC  

Trump was a wild card, we didn't know what he would do when he got it, now we do know and most of us love it.

2019-12-10 15:03:16 UTC  

He really hasn't. Either way. He's not ruined anything and America isn't all of a sudden Great Again.

2019-12-10 15:03:53 UTC  

Raider, I think that there are more than just a few voters who sort of go into hibernation for 3 1/2 years (working, raising their families, etc) and then start paying attention when the election gets closer. That is when they start to pay attention.

2019-12-10 15:04:34 UTC  

and i really wish people like that would just not vote.

2019-12-10 15:04:59 UTC  

unless we can get it so politics isn't getting into everything

2019-12-10 15:05:28 UTC  

Yeah, let's make everything political all the time. It's not like these people go blind for 3 years and then throw a dart at a board like: "which turd we going for this time"

2019-12-10 15:05:33 UTC  

Well, while I can see that point, the literacy tests for casting your ballot were eliminated a long time ago and for good reasons

2019-12-10 15:05:35 UTC  

They still experience what's going on around them.

2019-12-10 15:05:48 UTC  

but right now politics IS getting into everything and this time it is so clear what is up I don't know how one couldn't know who they will vote for yet.

2019-12-10 15:06:11 UTC  

I don't think there should be tests, I just don't think that "everyone should vote"

2019-12-10 15:06:11 UTC  

Cause most folks don't give a fuck about the culture war.

2019-12-10 15:06:39 UTC  

They see it out of the corner of their eye but don't start paying CLOSE attention to it until either the election comes around OR some really big event comes up (like an impeachment).

2019-12-10 15:07:09 UTC  

and by the way, if I thought i could get away with it with out it ruining my life i would be more then happy to forget that elections are even a thing.

2019-12-10 15:07:20 UTC  

So who is to decide who is "worthy" of voting and who is not?

2019-12-10 15:07:35 UTC  

i'm not saying anyone is.

2019-12-10 15:07:38 UTC  

Dude, I'd suggest getting off twitter.

2019-12-10 15:07:53 UTC  

If your mental health is affected by this election? You're in too fucking deep.

2019-12-10 15:08:03 UTC  

i'm saying that the "get out the vote" campaings are a bad idea.

2019-12-10 15:08:21 UTC  

But you do " just don't think that "everyone should vote" "

2019-12-10 15:09:45 UTC  

i'm not nore have i ever been on twitter or facebook, the most i am into this is talk radio and the youtube version of talk radio
I think my mental health was already compromised in this way, the politics just gave the pressure for things to start breaking, but that is my own problem.

2019-12-10 15:10:51 UTC  

I think that people who don't want to spend large amounts of time thinking about who they are electing should be worried about who they are electing, unless it is for a single very clear issue and even then I would not be as sure.

2019-12-10 15:11:47 UTC  

Thing is. It's nowhere near as bad as the bubbles would have you believe. Shit's WAY less fucked than some of the internet talking heads would have you believe.

2019-12-10 15:12:47 UTC  

The real worries should be nonpartisan issues. Shit like Climate Immigration. Shit like Terrorism. Shit like Mass Surveillance.

2019-12-10 15:13:04 UTC  

that's fair, but at the same time it is WAY more messed up then most people care to admit, but I may be paranoid because it's like looking eldritch abomination and drives men mad if they look for to long.

2019-12-10 15:13:19 UTC  

Yeah, shit's not so bad.