Message from @ARockRaider

Discord ID: 654458085234049034

2019-12-11 22:54:52 UTC  


2019-12-11 22:54:54 UTC  


2019-12-11 22:54:55 UTC  


2019-12-11 22:55:08 UTC  

Under the age of maturity

2019-12-11 22:55:20 UTC  

Not a fully grown or mentally developed adult

2019-12-11 22:55:37 UTC  

I can keep going

2019-12-11 22:55:44 UTC  

well by that standard people under 25 are children

2019-12-11 22:55:56 UTC  

Have you talked to anyone under 25?

2019-12-11 22:55:59 UTC  

We are idiots

2019-12-11 22:56:12 UTC  

i wouldn't call us children though

2019-12-11 22:57:59 UTC  

Greta isn't even human imo

2019-12-11 22:58:08 UTC  

Someone under the age of 18 isnt an adult

2019-12-11 22:58:22 UTC  

They are a boy or girl not a woman or man

2019-12-11 22:58:57 UTC  

that's just legal fiction

2019-12-11 22:59:18 UTC  

The last thing we all need is to be lectured by a scientifically illiterate 16 year old white girl from sweden claiming we have stolen her dreams and her future

2019-12-11 23:00:19 UTC  

You can keep trying to defend her but you dont actually have any real points

2019-12-11 23:00:26 UTC  

There's like thousands of books on how futile it is to rail against the system.

2019-12-11 23:01:31 UTC  

Shes a child, she has no original thought, she knows nothing about the subject matter which is why she parrots people who do, and shes just an anti-western shill who has failed to mention that China is the single greatest polluter on earth.

2019-12-11 23:01:57 UTC  

And China doesnt care for your dreams and your future kiddo

2019-12-11 23:02:05 UTC  

there is no reason for someone under 18 to be voteing in national elections.

2019-12-11 23:02:46 UTC  

I could say that someone under 20 shouldn't be voteing in national elections.

2019-12-11 23:03:13 UTC  

I dont believe in universal suffrage period

2019-12-11 23:03:20 UTC  

Ive talked about it many times

2019-12-11 23:03:25 UTC  

I wouldn't even mind a higher age like 25 to 30, though I think getting people to think like an adult sooner is better.

2019-12-11 23:04:59 UTC  

i'm not defending her i don't really pay attention to her

2019-12-11 23:05:29 UTC  

I do think that any citizen over a set age should be able to vote, haveing something that could be subjective would just lead to people haveing their rights removed.

2019-12-11 23:05:44 UTC  

i don't think age should be a factor it should be based on your social role

2019-12-11 23:06:15 UTC  

I don't really agree with that because who desides what social roles get to vote?

2019-12-11 23:06:22 UTC  


2019-12-11 23:06:27 UTC  

whoever institutes the system

2019-12-11 23:07:01 UTC  

well if that was the case then you would never have the option to vote, you would never find your self in a "social role" that had that privlige.

2019-12-11 23:07:01 UTC  

Is a Jew a social role?

2019-12-11 23:07:21 UTC  


2019-12-11 23:07:25 UTC  

and i don't see why rockraider

2019-12-11 23:07:50 UTC  

i mean, in a system that i would advocate for i wouldn't get a vote atm at least

2019-12-11 23:07:50 UTC  

because the people in power don't want you to vote, so you would never be in a "social role" that could vote.

2019-12-11 23:08:07 UTC  

(unless they know you would vote for them)

2019-12-11 23:08:08 UTC  

that doesn't make sense

2019-12-11 23:08:58 UTC  

If you have any subjective standard to when you can vote the people in power would change that standard to keep anyone who wouldn't vote for them form voteing.

2019-12-11 23:09:01 UTC  

i mean broadly speaking people in power don't really give you the option to vote them out

2019-12-11 23:09:11 UTC  

The criteria for voting solely being social role is ridiculous