Message from @Aldomuz

Discord ID: 662877418775642122

2020-01-04 02:18:03 UTC  

It’s a meme from tg/

2020-01-04 02:18:17 UTC  

Traditional Gaming

2020-01-04 02:18:26 UTC  

ur mom is a meme

2020-01-04 02:18:27 UTC  


2020-01-04 02:18:29 UTC  


2020-01-04 02:18:51 UTC  

I just Googled ‘Adeptus Retardes’ and that was an image I got

2020-01-04 02:20:02 UTC  

i think he means the pic of ilhan omar

2020-01-04 02:20:12 UTC  


2020-01-04 02:22:09 UTC  


2020-01-04 03:59:17 UTC  


2020-01-04 03:59:29 UTC  

<:angrypepe:497157904743268363> @randomNPCno3

2020-01-04 04:02:34 UTC  

Stealing eachother's pfp's lol

2020-01-04 04:03:02 UTC  

You just noticed?

2020-01-04 04:05:31 UTC  


2020-01-04 04:09:17 UTC  

Day 3: Still no war or World War.

2020-01-04 04:09:55 UTC  

"Clearly a terrorism act"

2020-01-04 04:10:09 UTC  

~~Like your country isn't filled with the fuckers~~

2020-01-04 04:36:06 UTC  

@Aldomuz terrorism and heinous violence are just part and parcel of statecraft

2020-01-04 04:38:12 UTC  

I guess

2020-01-04 04:54:15 UTC  

isn't dame pesos that autistic mexi dude that got into a bitch fit with mundane matt?

2020-01-04 04:55:12 UTC  

Please explain how a war between USA and Iran qualifies as a world war

2020-01-04 04:56:49 UTC  

supposedly it implies Russia, china and other associated states would come to their aid, and our allies in turn

2020-01-04 04:59:39 UTC  

There won't be a war between the US and Iran.

2020-01-04 05:00:59 UTC  

And China has expansionist goals through economic and soft power means. They're not going to throw all their plans away (Belt and Road) to serve Iran.

2020-01-04 05:01:30 UTC  

Anyone want to guess where China gets its oil

2020-01-04 05:01:43 UTC  


2020-01-04 05:04:08 UTC  

Was China happy that Iran blew up the largest oil processing site in the world?

2020-01-04 05:06:24 UTC  

Anyway, I'm sure China will throw away all their ambitions for a person that they probably consider sub-human.

2020-01-04 05:08:28 UTC  

They still get half their oil from the Persian gulf, but I doubt they would get involved in that area.

2020-01-04 05:08:54 UTC  

I just wonder where everyone gets the idea this is going to start a war

2020-01-04 05:09:24 UTC  

Because some assmad stormfag thinks this is Trump being a kike or something equally stupid?

2020-01-04 05:10:45 UTC  

Stems from complete and utter ignorance. And some really toxic and cynical political games to fearmonger about war.

2020-01-04 05:12:47 UTC  

If there is a war it probably won't involve the us directly. The us would probably just bomb some key targets and that'd be that.

2020-01-04 05:13:23 UTC  

Proxy war then? So, the status quo, business as usual.

2020-01-04 05:14:26 UTC  

I doubt trump would send in a large ground force. Maybe just strategic defence for Saudi oil or something. What's the point of occupying Iran?

2020-01-04 05:14:49 UTC  

Saudi doesn't trust its own people with effective military tech

2020-01-04 05:15:09 UTC  

He isn't going to declare war. Ever.

2020-01-04 05:15:34 UTC  

Unless polls are like 95% for it because 9/11 v2 happened.